gpgpu - 在 Alea.Gpu.Default.For 中访问 IList<T>

标签 gpgpu aleagpu

我正在尝试访问 System.Collections.Generic.IList<T> 的值在Alea.Gpu.Default.For 之外声明.

private void Evaluate_Caching(IList<TGenome> genomeList)
    var gpu = Gpu.Default;

    gpu.For(0, genomeList.Count - 1, i =>
        TGenome genome = genomeList[i];
        TPhenome phenome = (TPhenome)genome.CachedPhenome;
        if (null == phenome)
        {   // Decode the phenome and store a ref against the genome.
            phenome = _genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);
            genome.CachedPhenome = phenome;

        if (null == phenome)
        {   // Non-viable genome.
            genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = null;
            FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = _phenomeEvaluator.Evaluate(phenome);
            genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = fitnessInfo._auxFitnessArr;

引用之前提出的问题之一 iterate-over-a-collection-of-custom-classes-with-alea-gpu我还启用了 <memory allowNonBlittableMemoryTransfer="true"/>App.config .


"Cannot get field "genomeList".
Possible reasons:
-> The field type is not supported.
-> In closure class, the field doesn't have [GpuParam] attribute.
-> Struct: ref(dyn{ i32 }(m:<Evaluate_Caching>b__0)):_O_
-> FieldName: genomeList
Source location stack:
-> in E:\_turingProjects\_csProjects\Gpu_Project\GpuParallelGenomeListEvaluator.cs(183,17-183,48)
-> at Evaluators.GpuParallelGenomeListEvaluator`2+<>c__DisplayClass17_0[SharpNeat.Genomes.Neat.NeatGenome,SharpNeat.Phenomes.IBlackBox].[Void <Evaluate_Caching>b__0(Int32)]
-> at Alea.Parallel.Device.DeviceFor.[Void Kernel(Int32, Int32, System.Action`1[System.Int32])]
-> at defining runtime64 (sm50,64bit)
Loading method as kernel:
-> Method: Alea.Parallel.Device.DeviceFor.[Void Kernel(Int32, Int32, System.Action`1[System.Int32])]
-> InstanceOpt: <None>
-> Argument.#0: 0
-> Argument.#1: 1999
-> Argument.#2: System.Action`1[System.Int32]

错误的可能原因是什么?在 Gpu.For 中使用值的正确方法是什么?


目前,AleaGPU 仅适用于数组。 List 通常需要动态分配内存,例如添加元素,这在 GPU 中效率不高。

关于gpgpu - 在 Alea.Gpu.Default.For 中访问 IList<T>,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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