hash - 内部哈希和外部哈希之间的区别

标签 hash hashmap hashtable



For internal files, hashing is typically implemented as a hash table through the use of an array of records. Suppose that the array index range is from 0 to M – 1, as shown in Figure 17.8(a); then we have M slots whose addresses correspond to the array indexes. We choose a hash function that transforms the hash field value into an integer between 0 and M − 1. One common hash function is the h(K) = K mod M function, which returns the remainder of an integer hash field value K after divi- sion by M; this value is then used for the record address. [...]

A collision occurs when the hash field value of a record that is being inserted hashes to an address that already contains a different record.


Hashing for disk files is called external hashing. To suit the characteristics of disk storage, the target address space is made of buckets, each of which holds multiple records. A bucket is either one disk block or a cluster of contiguous disk blocks. The hashing function maps a key into a relative bucket number, rather than assigning an absolute block address to the bucket. A table maintained in the file header converts the bucket number into the corresponding disk block address, as illustrated in Figure 17.9. The collision problem is less severe with buckets, because as many records as will fit in a bucket can hash to the same bucket without causing problems.

1) 一条记录总是记录在一个区 block 内,那么内部哈希是否返回区 block 地址和记录在区 block 内的位置?
2)为什么使用外部哈希冲突问题不那么严重?我的意思是,假设每个 block 可以存储 10 条记录;我推测我将存储的文件包含 100 条记录,然后,使用外部哈希,我可能分配 11-12 个桶(我假设一个桶=1 block ),因此哈希函数将向桶返回 10-12 个地址。
如果我使用内部散列,因为散列函数返回一个直接地址,我会使用一个返回给我大约 100-120 个地址的函数。



关于hash - 内部哈希和外部哈希之间的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23547519/


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