multithreading - Perl 中的线程定时循环

标签 multithreading perl timer

本质上,我想拥有一个高优先级线程,它以给定的时间间隔(此处为 0.5 毫秒)运行并中断“一切”,执行一个短任务,然后返回“ sleep ”;使用 Ubuntu 11.04 和 perl v5.10.1。问题是,虽然我得到了某种结果,但我不确定是否有可能获得“时间紧迫”。

我制作了三个测试脚本,其中“循环”基本上是将计数器增加 10 倍,获取时间戳 - 然后它终止,并打印时间戳(以微秒为单位)。

脚本 1

第一个基于我在 Perl- How to call an event after a time delay - Perl 中找到的一个片段 - 但是,我无法让那个特定的片段工作;所以有了一些变化,它是:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Time::HiRes qw ( setitimer ITIMER_VIRTUAL time );

my @tstamps;
my $cnt = 0;
my $numloops = 10;
my $loopperiod = 500e-6; # 0.000500 - 500 us

sub myfunc() {
  push(@tstamps, time);

  # repeat call for looping
  if ($cnt < $numloops) {
    $SIG{VTALRM} = &myfunc; # must have this!
    setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, 1, $loopperiod );

# take first timestamp at start
push(@tstamps, time);

# start it off
#~ $SIG{VTALRM} = sub { print time, "\n"; }; # no work like this on Linux ?!
$SIG{VTALRM} = &myfunc;
setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, 1, $loopperiod );

# wait - sleep 2 s

# output results
my ($firstts, $ts, $td);
$firstts = -1; # init
for(my $ix=0; $ix<scalar(@tstamps); $ix++) {
  $ts = $tstamps[$ix];
  if ($firstts == -1) { # $ix == 0
    $firstts = $ts;
    $td = 0;
  } else {  # $ix > 0
    $td = $ts - $tstamps[$ix-1];
  printf "%10d (diff: %d)\n", ($ts-$firstts)*1e6, $td*1e6 ;


$ ./ 
         0 (diff: 0)
        10 (diff: 10)
        25 (diff: 15)
        36 (diff: 10)
        46 (diff: 10)
        57 (diff: 10)
        66 (diff: 9)
        75 (diff: 8)
        83 (diff: 8)
        92 (diff: 9)
       102 (diff: 9)
       118 (diff: 15)

... 意味着循环基本上以尽可能快的速度运行,并且不遵守所要求的时间。我猜,可能 ITIMER_VIRTUAL 在我的机器上不起作用。

脚本 2

第二个脚本基于 Measurements at Regular Intervals in Perl 中的一个示例:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use POSIX qw(pause);
# this does NOT work w/ ITIMER_VIRTUAL
use Time::HiRes qw(setitimer ITIMER_REAL time);

my @tstamps;
my $cnt = 0;
my $numloops = 10;
my $loopperiod = 500e-6; # 0.000500 - 500 us

# take first timestamp at start
push(@tstamps, time);

# how often do we trigger (seconds)?
my $first_interval = $loopperiod;
my $interval = $loopperiod;

# signal handler is empty
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { };

# first value is the initial wait, second is the wait thereafter
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, $first_interval, $interval);

while (1) {

  # wait for alarm from timer

  # do work that takes less than $interval to complete
  push(@tstamps, time);

  # repeat call for looping
  if ($cnt < $numloops) {
  } else {


Time::HiRes::sleep(2); # helps avoid segfault, but doesn't seem to do anything;
                       # "it's apparently not safe to use sleep and a timer at
                       #   the same time, as one may reset the other"

# output results
my ($firstts, $ts, $td);
$firstts = -1; # init
for(my $ix=0; $ix<scalar(@tstamps); $ix++) {
  $ts = $tstamps[$ix];
  if ($firstts == -1) { # $ix == 0
    $firstts = $ts;
    $td = 0;
  } else {  # $ix > 0
    $td = $ts - $tstamps[$ix-1];
  printf "%10d (diff: %d)\n", ($ts-$firstts)*1e6, $td*1e6 ;


$ ./ 
         0 (diff: 0)
       717 (diff: 717)
      1190 (diff: 473)
      1724 (diff: 534)
      2206 (diff: 481)
      2705 (diff: 499)
      3204 (diff: 499)
      3705 (diff: 500)
      4203 (diff: 498)
      4682 (diff: 478)
      5206 (diff: 524)
      5704 (diff: 498)

...我想,在这样的 PC 上,时间可能很紧迫(使用“ self 测量”)。但是,这里的问题是它在单线程上下文中运行(并且 usleep 显然不再工作了)。

脚本 3


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Time::HiRes qw ( usleep time );

use threads;
use threads::shared; # for shared variables

my @tstamps :shared;
my $cnt :shared = 0;
my $numloops :shared = 10;
my $loopperiod = 500e-6; # 0.000500 s - 500 us
my $loopperiodus :shared = $loopperiod*1e6; # 500 us

sub myfunc() {

  # repeat call for looping
  while ($cnt < $numloops) {
    push(@tstamps, time);

# take first timestamp at start
push(@tstamps, time);

# start it off
my $mthr = threads->create('myfunc');

# wait - sleep 2 s

# output results
my ($firstts, $ts, $td);
$firstts = -1; # init
for(my $ix=0; $ix<scalar(@tstamps); $ix++) {
  $ts = $tstamps[$ix];
  if ($firstts == -1) { # $ix == 0
    $firstts = $ts;
    $td = 0;
  } else {  # $ix > 0
    $td = $ts - $tstamps[$ix-1];
  printf "%10d (diff: %d)\n", ($ts-$firstts)*1e6, $td*1e6 ;


$ ./ 
         0 (diff: 0)
      7498 (diff: 7498)
      8569 (diff: 1070)
      9300 (diff: 731)
      9992 (diff: 691)
     10657 (diff: 664)
     11328 (diff: 671)
     11979 (diff: 650)
     12623 (diff: 643)
     13284 (diff: 661)
     13924 (diff: 639)

... 这有点接近,但与要求的时期相差甚远 - 我也不会像第二个脚本那样严格(事实上,我对此进行了一些实验,以及我的经验是它可能会相对较快地不稳定 - 即使对于非常简单的任务 - 取决于来自操作系统的压力,如 GUI 更新等)。


所以我的问题是 - 有没有办法在 Perl 中获得“紧”时间(如示例 2,w/setitimer) - 但在线程的上下文中(如示例 3 ; 因为我基本上希望在这个“定时循环”处于 sleep 状态时在主线程中完成其他事情)?不幸的是,试图将信号发送到线程:

sub myfunc() {

  setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, $loopperiod, $loopperiod);

  # repeat call for looping
  while ($cnt < $numloops) {
    push(@tstamps, time);
    # usleep($loopperiodus);
    # wait for alarm from timer

# signal handler is empty
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { };

# take first timestamp at start
push(@tstamps, time);

# start it off
my $mthr = threads->create('myfunc');

# first value is the initial wait, second is the wait thereafter
#~ setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, $loopperiod, $loopperiod);



$ ./ 
Maximal count of pending signals (120) exceeded at ./ line 48.
Perl exited with active threads:
    1 running and unjoined
    -1 finished and unjoined
    0 running and detached


EDIT2:示例 2 可以与 fork 一起使用以给出 impression of multithreading ;但是,fork 变量不共享(并且不再共享 Can't install IPC:Shareable,这将是简单的出路)。



EDIT3:感谢 answer from @daxim ,这是上面的 AnyEvent:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use 5.010;
use AnyEvent qw();

my @tstamps;
my $cnt = 0;
my $numloops = 10;
my $loopperiod = 500e-6; # 0.000500 - 500 us

my $result_ready = AnyEvent->condvar;

my %events = (
    timer => AE::timer(0, $loopperiod, sub {
      push(@tstamps, AE::time);
      if ($cnt < $numloops) {
      } else {
        #~ AE::cv->send; # doesn't exit loop?
        $result_ready->broadcast; # exits loop
    #~ quit  => AE::cv->recv,
    quit  => $result_ready->wait,

sleep 1; # this will kick in only after loop is complete!

# output results
my ($firstts, $ts, $td);
$firstts = -1; # init
for(my $ix=0; $ix<scalar(@tstamps); $ix++) {
  $ts = $tstamps[$ix];
  if ($firstts == -1) { # $ix == 0
    $firstts = $ts;
    $td = 0;
  } else {  # $ix > 0
    $td = $ts - $tstamps[$ix-1];
  printf "%10d (diff: %d)\n", ($ts-$firstts)*1e6, $td*1e6 ;

请注意,在我的机器上,对于 0.5 毫秒,它给出了一些奇怪的测量值(左) - 然而,已经在 1.5 毫秒,有一些不错的结果(右):

$ ./ 
         0 (diff: 0)             0 (diff: 0) 
        34 (diff: 34)           32 (diff: 32) 
       117 (diff: 82)         2152 (diff: 2120) 
      1665 (diff: 1548)       3597 (diff: 1445)   
      1691 (diff: 25)         5090 (diff: 1492) 
      3300 (diff: 1609)       6547 (diff: 1456)   
      3319 (diff: 18)         8090 (diff: 1542) 
      4970 (diff: 1651)       9592 (diff: 1502)   
      4990 (diff: 20)        11089 (diff: 1497) 
      6607 (diff: 1616)      12589 (diff: 1500)   
      6625 (diff: 18)        14091 (diff: 1501)    


线程不是多道程序的唯一方式。在 Perl 世界中,它们是最糟糕的之一。想尝试一下事件循环吗?

use 5.010;
use AnyEvent qw();

my %events = (
    timer => AE::timer(0, 0.5, sub {
        $now = AE::time;
        say sprintf 'now: %f difference: %f', $now, $now - $previous;
        $previous = $now;
    quit  => AE::cv->recv,

$ perl
now: 1316799028.264925 difference: 1316799028.264925
now: 1316799028.762484 difference: 0.497559
now: 1316799029.262058 difference: 0.499574
now: 1316799029.762640 difference: 0.500582
now: 1316799030.262207 difference: 0.499567
now: 1316799030.762668 difference: 0.500461
now: 1316799031.262242 difference: 0.499574
now: 1316799031.761805 difference: 0.499563
now: 1316799032.262378 difference: 0.500573
now: 1316799032.761953 difference: 0.499575
now: 1316799033.262513 difference: 0.500560
now: 1316799033.762081 difference: 0.499568
now: 1316799034.262674 difference: 0.500593
now: 1316799034.762256 difference: 0.499582
now: 1316799035.261837 difference: 0.499581

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