ethereum - go-ethereum - geth - puppeth - ethstat 远程服务器 : docker: command not found

标签 ethereum go-ethereum geth

我正在尝试使用 Puppeth(如 Péter Szilágyi demoed in Ethereum devcon three 2017)设置私有(private)以太坊测试网络。我在 macbook pro (macOS Sierra) 上运行它。

当我尝试设置 ethstat 网络组件时,我得到一个 “docker 配置错误:bash: docker: command not found” 错误。我有 docker 正在运行,我可以在终端中很好地使用它,例如 docker PS。


What would you like to do? (default = stats)
 1. Show network stats
 2. Manage existing genesis
 3. Track new remote server
 4. Deploy network components
> 4

What would you like to deploy? (recommended order)
 1. Ethstats  - Network monitoring tool
 2. Bootnode  - Entry point of the network
 3. Sealer    - Full node minting new blocks
 4. Wallet    - Browser wallet for quick sends (todo)
 5. Faucet    - Crypto faucet to give away funds
 6. Dashboard - Website listing above web-services
> 1

Which server do you want to interact with?
 1. Connect another server
> 1

Please enter remote server's address:
> localhost
DEBUG[11-15|22:46:49] Attempting to establish SSH connection   server=localhost
WARN [11-15|22:46:49] Bad SSH key, falling back to passwords   path=/Users/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa      err="ssh: cannot decode encrypted private keys"
The authenticity of host 'localhost:22 ([::1]:22)' can't be established.
SSH key fingerprint is xxx [MD5]
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
What's the login password for xxx at localhost:22? (won't be echoed)
DEBUG[11-15|22:47:11] Verifying if docker is available         server=localhost
ERROR[11-15|22:47:11] Server not ready for puppeth             err="docker configured incorrectly: bash: docker: command not found\n"

  • 是否有任何文档/教程描述如何正确设置此远程服务器。或者只是一般的傀儡?
  • 我可以不使用 localhost 作为“远程服务器地址”
  • 关于为什么找不到 docker 命令的任何想法(它已安装并正在运行,我可以在终端中正常使用它)。
  • 最佳答案


  • 对于 docker,您必须使用 docker-compose 二进制文件。你可以找到它here .
  • 此外,您必须确保 ssh 服务器正在您的本地主机上运行并且已生成 key 。
  • 我没有找到任何关于 puppeth 的文件。
  • 关于ethereum - go-ethereum - geth - puppeth - ethstat 远程服务器 : docker: command not found,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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