exception-handling - 如何处理 ASP.Net MVC 2 中的全局异常

标签 exception-handling asp.net-mvc-2

我的基本 Controller 有这个覆盖:

protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
    // http://forums.asp.net/t/1318736.aspx
    if (filterContext == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("filterContext");
    // If custom errors are disabled, we need to let the normal ASP.NET exception handler
    // execute so that the user can see useful debugging information.
    if (filterContext.ExceptionHandled || !filterContext.HttpContext.IsCustomErrorEnabled)

    Exception exception = filterContext.Exception;

    // If this is not an HTTP 500 (for example, if somebody throws an HTTP 404 from an action method),
    // ignore it.
    if (new HttpException(null, exception).GetHttpCode() != 500)

我想捕获异常并将其邮寄。我可以做邮件部分,但不确定如何收集异常?我是 MVC 的新手。在 Web 表单中,我在 global.asax 中有这个
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    string AdminEmail = "myEmail@domain";
    // Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs
    Exception objErr = Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException();
    string err = "Error Caught in Application_Error event\n" +
            "Error in: " + Request.Url.ToString() +
            "\n Error Message:" + objErr.Message.ToString() +
            "\n Stack Trace:" + objErr.StackTrace.ToString();
    // Below uses: using System.Diagnostics;
    //EventLog.WriteEntry("Sample_WebApp", err, EventLogEntryType.Error);
    //Server.ClearError(); // Clear error prohibits it from showing on page
    //additional actions...

    MyApp.Utility.Email.Send(AdminEmail, CommonLibrary.FromEmail, "Asp.net Application Error", err);

<customErrors mode="On" />


我认为您需要在基本 Controller 的覆盖方法中实现相同的逻辑。像这样的东西:

    protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
        string AdminEmail = "myEmail@domain";
        // Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs
        Exception objErr = filterContext.Exception;
        string err = "Error Caught in Application_Error event\n" +
                "Error in: " + Request.Url.ToString() +
                "\n Error Message:" + objErr.Message.ToString() +
                "\n Stack Trace:" + objErr.StackTrace.ToString();
        // Below uses: using System.Diagnostics;
        //EventLog.WriteEntry("Sample_WebApp", err, EventLogEntryType.Error);
        //Server.ClearError(); // Clear error prohibits it from showing on page
        //additional actions...

        MyApp.Utility.Email.Send(AdminEmail, CommonLibrary.FromEmail, "Asp.net Application Error", err);

关于exception-handling - 如何处理 ASP.Net MVC 2 中的全局异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2730293/


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