.net-4.0 - 如何检查方法是否已内联?

标签 .net-4.0 .net-4.5


我无法联系到作者,而且我认为它对 SO 用户也可能很有趣。所以我想问:



This blog关于内联状态的条目,以及其他有趣的事情:

Steven did this by throwing an exception and then programmatically inspecting the stack trace associated with the exception. This makes sense when you are trying to automate the analysis, but for simple one-off cases, it is simpler and more powerful to simply look at the native instructions. See this blog for details on how to using Visual Studio.


关于.net-4.0 - 如何检查方法是否已内联?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11070350/


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