perl - 在 perl 中将 ISO8601 持续时间(P3Y6M ...)转换为秒

标签 perl iso8601

我正在尝试转换 ISO 8601持续时间格式,P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S,以 perl 表示的秒数。有图书馆可以做到这一点吗?我试过搜索,但我只找到了一个 js 库。查看 DateTime 和 Time::Moment 也没有提供解决方案。


DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601 ,它可以将 ISO 8601 持续时间字符串转换为 DateTime::Duration目的。然后您可以将其转换为秒。

use DateTime::Duration;
use DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601;

my $format = DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601->new;
my $d = $format->parse_duration('P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S');

但是,DateTime::Duration 格式不能用于将年份转换为秒,如 in the docs here 所述。 .

The last example demonstrates that there will not be any conversion between units which don't have a fixed conversion rate. The only conversions possible are:

years <=> months
weeks <=> days
hours <=> minutes
seconds <=> nanoseconds

For the explanation of why this is the case, please see the How DateTime Math Works section of the documentation

您可以使用 DateTime::Format::Duration%s pattern规避那个。一个完整的实现可能是这样的。
use DateTime::Duration;
use DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601;
use DateTime::Format::Duration;

my $format = DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601->new;
my $d      = $format->parse_duration('P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S');

my $output_format = DateTime::Format::Duration->new( pattern => '%s' );
print $output_format->format_duration($d);

use DateTime::Duration;
use DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601;
use DateTime::Format::Duration;

print DateTime::Format::Duration->new( pattern => '%s' )
    DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601->new->parse_duration('P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S') );


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