django - 为 aptana studio 3 配置 Django 1.5.1

标签 django installation aptana

我如何让 Django 在 aptana 中工作?我已经把我的脸弄糊涂了,已经尝试了我能找到的一切,但我仍然没有运气。我正在使用运行狮子的 Mac。

我已经安装了 django 并且在空闲状态下我可以导入 django 并调用 get_version() 并且它工作正常。
然后在 aptana 中,我认为我已经做对了一切。我已经为 python 解释器做了一个自动配置,然后在库中我添加了 django 目录。



To get started with Django in PyDev, the pre-requisite is that Django is installed in the Python / Jython / IronPython interpreter you want to use (so, "import django" must properly work – if you're certain that Django is there and PyDev wasn't able to find it during the install process, you must go to the interpreter configuration and reconfigure your interpreter so that PyDev can detect the change you did after adding Django).

It seems that the selected interpreter does not have Django available, so, please install Django, reconfigure the interpreter so that Django is recognized and then come back to this wizard.

An introduction on how to get started with Django in Pydev is available at:




尝试仅添加 \Library\Frameworks\Python.framework\Versions\2.7\lib\python2.7\site-packages到图书馆。

推理是:site-packages包含额外安装的 packages这是包含 modules 的文件夹和其他 packages .您需要包含根,以便整个 django包是可访问的(以及任何其他包)。

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