java - Jersey /JAX-RS : How to cascade beans-validation recursively with @Valid automatically?

标签 java jersey jax-rs bean-validation

我正在 Jersey 的 REST 资源端点中验证我的 POJO:

public class Resource {
    public Response post(@NotNull @Valid final POJO pojo) {

public class POJO {
    protected final String name;

    protected final POJOInner inner;


public class POJOInner {
    protected final int limit;



但是,@Min(0) 注释只有在 inner 字段具有 @Valid 注释时才会被验证。将 @Valid 注释添加到每个不是原语的字段中感觉不对。

有没有办法告诉 bean validator 自动递归地继续验证,即使没有 @Valid 注释存在?我希望我的 POJO 如下:

public class POJO {
    protected final String name;

    protected final POJOInner inner;



实际上,根据规范,添加@Valid 正是针对此用例的。来自 JSR 303 规范:

In addition to supporting instance validation, validation of graphs of object is also supported. The result of a graph validation is returned as a unified set of constraint violations. Consider the situation where bean X contains a field of type Y. By annotating field Y with the @Valid annotation, the Validator will validate Y (and its properties) when X is validated.


The @Valid annotation is applied recursively

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