php - WordPress - 上传时模糊图像

标签 php wordpress upload blur imagick

所以我正在关注 example given here (我将其修改为仅模糊,无水印),以便在上传时在 WordPress 中制作模糊图像。问题是,如果上传的文件与设置的大小完全相同或更小,那么 WordPress 将不会生成图像,因此也不会制作模糊图像。

我尝试使用 isst($meta['sizes']['background-image-blurred']['file']) 来确定是否制作了一个,如果没有制作 copy() 源文件,但随后不会为图像生成 WordPress“元数据”(对于非 WordPress 用户,元数据与您想象的不同),因此它会给出高度/宽度使用 wp_get_attachment_image 显示时出现未定义的问题。

所以我确信使用如下所示的 wp_get_attachment_image Hook 可能是错误的方法。它可能需要在图像上传过程的早期发生。


 * Several functions relatting to blurring images on uploaded.
 * @see
    add_image_size( 'background-image-blurred', 1920, 1080, true );

    function generate_blurred_image( $meta ) {

      $time = substr( $meta['file'], 0, 7); // Extract the date in form "2015/04"
      $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir( $time ); // Get the "proper" upload dir

      $filename = $meta['sizes']['background-image-blurred']['file'];
      $meta['sizes']['background-image-blurred']['file'] = blur_image( $filename, $upload_dir );

      return $meta;

    add_filter( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'generate_blurred_image' );    

    function blur_image( $filename, $upload_dir ) {

      $original_image_path = trailingslashit( $upload_dir['path'] ) . $filename;

      $image_resource = new Imagick( $original_image_path );
      $image_resource->gaussianBlurImage( 10, 100 ); // See:

      return save_blurred_image( $image_resource, $original_image_path );


    function save_blurred_image( $image_resource, $original_image_path ) {

      $image_data = pathinfo( $original_image_path );

      $new_filename = $image_data['filename'] . '-blurred.' . $image_data['extension'];

      // Build path to new blurred image
      $blurred_image_path = str_replace($image_data['basename'], $new_filename, $original_image_path);

      if ( ! $image_resource->writeImage( $blurred_image_path ) ) {
        return $image_data['basename'];          

      // Delete the placeholder image WordPress made now that it's been blurred
      unlink( $original_image_path );

      return $new_filename;



不幸的是,wp 没有过滤器来强制调整大小,所以您可以做的是在之后 Hook 并调整图像大小(如果未创建)并将其弹出到元数据中。

我没有 imagick,所以你必须自己尝试这些功能,但你有上面的正确过程,你只需要更新文件名并在下面的数组中键入。 PS 不要在过滤器内输出任何东西!

function custom_img_size(){
    add_image_size( 'background-image-blurred', 1920, 1080, true );

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'custom_img_size' );

add_filter('wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'force_add_size', 100);
function force_add_size( $metadata ) {

        //not set so initiate our custom size...
        //I dont have imagick installed so just use your functions here to duplicate
        //note original file = $filename update the $newfilename below...
        //sample resize code ...
        $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
        $filename= $upload_dir['basedir'].'/'.$metadata['file'];
        $extension = strtolower(strrchr($metadata['file'], '.'));
        $newfilename= str_replace($extension, '-1200x1080', $filename).$extension;

        copy($filename, $newfilename );
        //end sample resize code.....

        $filetype= 'image/jpeg';
        $metadata['sizes']['background-image-blurred']= array(
            "file"=> $newfilename,
            "width"=> 1920, 
            "height"=> 1080,
            "mime-type"=> $filetype 


   return $metadata;



  1. 这旨在仅捕获现有过滤器无法创建模糊自定义尺寸的地方,否则它什么都不做。你仍然应该包括你原来的过滤器。您可能在原始代码中遇到问题:您正在删除过滤器中的原始文件,这将导致问题,因为有一个名为“_wp_attached_file”的 postmeta 字段需要更新。我在下面附上了一条注释。

  2. 过滤器在保存之前捕获元数据,因此一旦您返回 $metadata,任何更改也将被保存。如果您查看源代码:在这里你可以确切地看到它是如何工作的。我也确认使用wp4.3

  3. 我已尝试在下方插入您需要的 imagick 函数。我还没有测试,因为我实际上没有在任何地方安装它。 (imagemagick 实际上是一个很棒的开源程序,但服务器非常密集)。试试用这个函数代替上面的函数:

    add_filter('wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'force_add_size', 100, 2);
    function force_add_size( $metadata, $id ){
        $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
        $filename= $upload_dir['basedir'].'/'.$metadata['file'];
        $extension = strtolower(strrchr($metadata['file'], '.'));
        $newfilename= str_replace($extension, '-blurred', $filename).$extension;
        $image_resource = new Imagick( $filename);
        $image_resource->writeImage( $newfilename );
        unlink( $filename );//delete original image altogether ---> you might want to update the post meta on this '_wp_attached_file' , you can actually get the attachment id from the filter, i have added it above. It would be best to have a actual image url in there! something like $sfile= str_replace($upload_dir['basedir'],'', $newfilename); update_post_meta($id, '_wp_attached_file', $sfile );
            case '.jpg':
            case '.jpeg':
                $type = 'image/jpeg';
            case '.gif':
                $type = 'image/gif';
            case '.png':
                $type = 'image/png';
                $type = 'image/jpeg'; // you might want a conditional to check its actually a image...imagick will do this for you as shouldnt get this far if not a image.
        $metadata['sizes']['background-image-blurred']= array(
            "file"=> $newfilename,
            "width"=> 1920,//your custom image size, has to be this! you could get the global var and check for sizes but its this size in particular we want? 
            "height"=> 1080,
            "mime-type"=> $type 
        return $metadata;

更新 为了防止图像拉伸(stretch)较小的图像,用这个替换 imagick 代码。

$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$filename= $upload_dir['basedir'].'/'.$metadata['file'];
$extension = strtolower(strrchr($metadata['file'], '.'));
$newfilename= str_replace($extension, '-blurred', $filename).$extension;

$image_resource = new Imagick( $filename);

if($image_resource->getImageWidth() <= 1920 || $image_resource->getImageHeight() > <= 1020) {
    return $metadata;

$image_resource->writeImage( $newfilename );

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