nuget - 如何使 Nuget 恢复工作更快?

标签 nuget azure-devops nuget-package nuget-package-restore azure-artifacts

我们正在使用 构建 CD 管道VSTS 托管构建服务器。恢复Nuget需要3分钟以上。这时间太长了。

我怎样才能让它运行得更快?有没有缓存 我们可以使用系统吗?


更新:缓存现在普遍可用( docs )
Caching is currently on the feature pipeline日期待定。同时,您可以使用上传管道工件/下载管道工件任务将结果存储在您的 Azure DevOps 帐户中以加快/下载。
Work-in-progress can be tracked here .
同时,Microsoft 1ES (one engineering system, internal organization) has released their internal solution that uses Universal Packages to store arbitrary packages in your Azure DevOps account .它非常快,因为它可以同步以前包之间的增量。 There is a sample on how to configure your Azure Pipeline to store the NuGet package cache in your Sources Directory in order for the task to cache them .

  NUGET_PACKAGES: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/packages
  keyfile: '**/*.csproj, **/packages.config, salt.txt'
  vstsFeed: 'feed name'

- task: 1ESLighthouseEng.PipelineArtifactCaching.RestoreCache@1
  displayName: 'Restore artifact'
    keyfile: $(keyfile)
    targetfolder: $(NUGET_PACKAGES)
    vstsFeed: $(vstsFeed)

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