json - 将 Ghost 导出到 Wordpress

标签 json wordpress parsing

我一直在寻找将我的 Ghost 博客帖子复制到 Wordpress 的可能性。

到目前为止,我已经设法将所有幻影数据导出到一个 JSON 文件中——您知道任何现有工具可以将其转换为 Wordpress 可以导入的内容吗?

如果没有,并且我必须自己构建一些东西,您会建议将 JSON 解析为 WXR 文件或类似文件,还是直接导入到 Wordpress 的数据库中?

提前致谢! K.


我通过读取 Ghost JSON 导出、稍微修改它并使用 wp_insert_post 导入帖子,将 Ghost 博客迁移到 Wordpress。

此代码应放在主题的 functions.php 文件中 - 您可以在 http://example.com/ghost/debug/ 导出 Ghost 帖子 (GhostData.json) .


 *  A function used to programmatically create a post in WordPress.
 *  http://tommcfarlin.com/programmatically-create-a-post-in-wordpress/
 *  @returns post ID if successful
 *           -1 if the post was never created
 *           -2 if a post with the same title exists
function create_wp_post ($post_details) {
    // Initialize the page ID to -1. This indicates no action has been taken.
    $post_id = -1;

    $post = get_page_by_title($post_details['title'], 'OBJECT', 'post');

    // If the page title doesn't already exist, then insert the post
    if (is_null($post)) {
        // Set the post ID so that we know the post was created successfully
        $post_id = wp_insert_post(
                'comment_status'    =>  'closed',
                'ping_status'       =>  'closed',
                'post_author'       =>  $post_details['author'],
                'post_content'      =>  $post_details['content'],
                'post_date'         =>  $post_details['date'],
                'post_date_gmt'     =>  $post_details['date_gmt'],
                'post_name'         =>  $post_details['slug'],
                'post_status'       =>  $post_details['status'],
                'post_title'        =>  $post_details['title'],
                'post_type'         =>  'post',
                'tags_input'        =>  $post_details['tags_input']
    // Page title already exists, return error
    } else {
        $post_id = -2;

 *  A function used to filter Ghost blog posts into Wordpress format.
function filter_ghost_posts () {
    $posts = json_decode(file_get_contents('GhostData.json'), true);

    if ($posts) { 
        foreach ($posts['data']['posts'] as $post) {
            $post_details = array(
                'author'        => $post['author_id'],
                'date'          => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $post['published_at'] / 1000),
                'date_gmt'      => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $post['published_at'] / 1000),
                'id'            => $post['id'],
                'content'       => $post['html'],
                'status'        => $post['status'],
                'slug'          => $post['slug'],
                'title'         => $post['title']

            // Status
            // Fix discrepancy in naming between Ghost and Wordpress
            if ($post_details['status'] === 'published') {
                $post_details['status'] = 'publish';

            // Tags
            $post_tags_list = [];

            foreach ($posts['data']['posts_tags'] as $post_tags) {
                if ($post['id'] === $post_tags['post_id']) {
                    $post_tags_id = $post_tags['tag_id'];
                    array_push($post_tags_list, $posts['data']['tags'][$post_tags_id]['name']);

            if (count($post_tags_list) > 0) {
                $post_details['tags_input'] = implode(',', $post_tags_list);

            $post_id = create_wp_post($post_details);

            if ($post_id == -1 || $post_id == -2) {
                // Error handling here

add_filter('after_setup_theme', 'filter_ghost_posts');

关于json - 将 Ghost 导出到 Wordpress,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24634246/


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