file - Ada:在 block 语句中写入文件

标签 file ada declare

我正在处理一个数组,其长度是在程序执行期间确定的。所以我正在使用 block我可以在其中设置数组限制的语句。

我在将数组元素写入文件时遇到问题 因为我在写过程中使用了 stub .我删除了 stub 以将所有内容都放在相同的代码中。虽然现在我的代码编译并运行,但它没有写入文件。这是代码:

with Ada.Float_Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Text_IO; 

procedure Compute_Parameters is

Spin_Speed, Whirling_Speed        : Float;
Time_Step, Rotor_Revolutions      : Float;
Number_Of_Steps                   : Float;

Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the spin speed ");
Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => Spin_Speed);
Ada.Text_IO.New_Line (1);
Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the whirling speed ");
Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => Whirling_Speed);
Ada.Text_IO.New_Line (1);
Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the time step ");
Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => Time_Step);
Ada.Text_IO.New_Line (1);
Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the number of revolutions of the rotor ");
Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => Rotor_Revolutions);

Number_Of_Steps := (360.0 / (Time_Step * Whirling_Speed)) * Rotor_Revolutions *  (Whirling_Speed / Spin_Speed);


   type Vector is array (Integer range <>) of Float;
   Time_Vector                     : Vector (1 .. Integer (Float'Truncation (Number_Of_Steps)) + 1);
   Rotor_Position_Degrees          : Vector (1 .. Integer (Float'Truncation (Number_Of_Steps)) + 1);

   Count       : Integer := 0;
   Start       : Float := 0.0;
   Step        : Float := Time_Step;

   Output_Data_File                            : File_Type;

   procedure Write_Files (Output_File          : File_Type;
                          Out_1                   : Integer;
                          Out_2                   : Float;
                          Prec                    : Natural := 5
                          ) is 
      Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (File => Output_File, Item => Out_1);
      Ada.Text_IO.Put (Output_File, "   ");
      Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put (File => Output_File, Item => Out_2, Fore => 6, Aft => Prec, Exp => 0);
      Ada.Text_IO.New_Line (Output_File);
   end Write_Files;

 begin -- begin of Declare

     Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Put file name to write: ");
     Create (Output_Data_File, Out_File, Get_Line);

     for I in 1 .. Time_Vector'Length  loop
         Count := Count + 1;
         Time_Vector(I) := Start + Step * Float(I-1);
         Put (Integer'Image(Count));
         Ada.Text_IO.Put("   ");
         Rotor_Position_Degrees(I) := Spin_Speed * Time_Step * Float(I-1);
         Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put (Item => Rotor_Position_Degrees(I), Fore => 5, Aft  => 1, Exp  => 0);

         --write to file
         Write_Files (Output_Data_File,
                      Out_1 => Count,
                      Out_2 => Rotor_Position_Degrees(I)
     end loop;


 end; -- end of Declare

end Compute_Parameters;

我注意到 begin 后面的 2 行在 Declare根本没有被执行:
Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Put file name to write: ");
Create (Output_Data_File, Out_File, Get_Line);




在最后一次之后按回车 GetRotor_Revolutions在标准输入中留下了一个空行,有待阅读:

 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line);
 Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Put file name to write: ");
 Create (Output_Data_File, Out_File, Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line);

澄清一下:这是 Get_Line这是必需的; Put_Line只是为了表明它是一个空行。

或者,使用 Ada.Command_Line ,如图所示 example .

关于file - Ada:在 block 语句中写入文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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