clearcase - 使用 WinMerge 作为 XML 文件的 ClearCase 差异查看器

标签 clearcase winmerge

我刚刚安装了 WinMerge 并检查了它的“与 ClearCase 集成”选项。当我在我的 Java 源文件上执行“与以前的版本比较”时,ClearCase 现在运行 Winmerge。但是,当我在 xml 文件上运行相同的命令时,它会打开 xml diff merge。我怎样才能让它打开 Winmerge?


例如参见“How do I integrate Beyond Compare with ClearCase?


# up to ClearCase 7.0
c:\program files\rational\ClearCase\lib\mgrs

# ClearCase 7.1 and more
c:\program files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\lib\mgrs

参见 technote swg21256807有关更改 XML 差异/合并类型管理器的详细信息。

For any type manager that uses xmldiffmrg, replace the xmldiffmrg executable with your own.


_xml2       compare          ..\..\..\..\KDiff3\KDiff3.exe
_xml2       xcompare         ..\..\..\..\KDiff3\KDiff3.exe
_xml2       merge            ..\..\..\..\KDiff3\KDiff3.exe
_xml2       xmerge           ..\..\..\..\KDiff3\KDiff3.exe

Note: The mapfile uses a relative path from its current location to find the executable.
In this example, KDiff3 was installed to the default directory on Windows (C:\Program Files\KDiff3) thus the relative path defined in the map file reflects as such.

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