xcode4 - XCode 4.2 clang 段错误

标签 xcode4 clang xcode4.2

刚刚升级到 Lion 和 xcode 4.2。现在,当我重新编译我的程序时,出现以下错误:

  • /Users/XXX/Code/iPhone/XXX/Code/Scenes/GameScene.mm:1806:35: current parser token ';'
  • /Users/XXX/Code/iPhone/XXX/Code/Scenes/GameScene.mm:1762:1: parsing Objective-C method 'updateWithTouchLocationMoved:withEvent:view:'
  • /Users/XXX/Code/iPhone/XXX/Code/Scenes/GameScene.mm:1762:1: in compound statement ('{}')
  • /Users/XXX/Code/iPhone/XXX/Code/Scenes/GameScene.mm:1771:2: in compound statement ('{}')
  • /Users/XXX/Code/iPhone/XXX/Code/Scenes/GameScene.mm:1789:3: in compound statement ('{}')
  • /Users/XXX/Code/iPhone/XXX/Code/Scenes/GameScene.mm:1796:4: in compound statement ('{}')
  • /Users/XXX/Code/iPhone/XXX/Code/Scenes/GameScene.mm:1799:5: in compound statement ('{}')clang: error: unable to execute command: Segmentation fault: 11clang: error: clang frontend command failed due to signal 2 (use -v to see invocation)

  • 这些行号周围没有什么奇怪的。没有复合语句,只是简单的 if (a == b)类型的东西。一些错误行号甚至不在语句中,只是空行或 { 括号。我怀疑行号不准确。我现在有点死在水里了。代码在 4.1 下编译得很好。




    shape.shapeType |= kTypeBreakable;

    shape.shapeType = shape.shapeType | kTypeBreakable;

    shape.shapeType |= 0x00000200;
    kTypeBreakable是设置为 0x00000200 的枚举
    shapeType只是一个带有 getter/setting 的 obj-c 对象变量。


    关于xcode4 - XCode 4.2 clang 段错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7762283/


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