ember.js - 在另一个容器 View 内外交换容器 View 会导致 View 被破坏

标签 ember.js

我有一个 ContainerView交换其他 View 的进出。我用另一个 ContainerView作为内容。试图交换嵌套 ContainerView ,在我把它换掉后,导致错误:Uncaught Error: assertion failed: calling set on destroyed object .

这是 fiddle :http://jsfiddle.net/hekevintran/bFSKD/


我认为错误是因为从 ContainerViews 中删除了 View 被破坏,嵌套的 subview ContainerView不会重新创建。修复此示例的正确方法是什么?


<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="box">
    {{#each forms}}
        <button {{action "selectForm" this }}>{{this.name}}</button>
    {{view container}}

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="form">
        {{#each fields}}
                {{this.label}}: {{view this.widget}}

App = Ember.Application.create({});

App.BoxController = Ember.Object.extend({
    initialForm: null,
    currentForm: null,
    init: function () {
        var form = this.get('initialForm');
        this.set('currentForm', form);
        this.get('container').set('currentView', form.get('view').create());
    forms: [],
    container: function () {
        return Ember.ContainerView.create({
            boxController: this,
            controllerBinding: 'boxController.currentForm'
    selectForm: function (form) {
        this.set('currentForm', form);
        this.get('container').set('currentView', form.get('view').create());

App.Field = Ember.Object.extend({
    value: null,
    widgetBaseClass: Ember.TextField,
    widget: function () {
        return this.get('widgetBaseClass').extend({
            field: this,
            valueBinding: 'field.value'

App.RangeField = App.Field.extend({
    widget: function () {
        var field = this;
        return Ember.ContainerView.extend({
            childViews: [field.get('select1').create(), field.get('select2').create()]
    }.property('select1', 'select2'),
    fromValue: null,
    toValue: null,
    value: function () {
        return [this.get('fromValue.value'), this.get('toValue.value')];
    }.property('fromValue', 'toValue'),
    choices: [
    remainingChoices: function () {
        var fromValue = this.get('fromValue');
        if (fromValue) {
            var choices = this.get('choices');
            var index = choices.indexOf(fromValue);
            return choices.slice(index + 1);
        return [];
    }.property('fromValue', 'choices'),
    select1: function () {
        return Ember.Select.extend({
            field: this,
            valueBinding: 'field.fromValue',
            contentBinding: 'field.choices'
    select2: function () {
        return Ember.Select.extend({
            field: this,
            valueBinding: 'field.toValue',
            contentBinding: 'field.remainingChoices',
            contentHasChangedOnce: false,
            contentChanged: function () {
                // Set the initial value only once
                if (! this.get('contentHasChangedOnce')) {
                    this.set('contentHasChangedOnce', true);
                    this.set('value', this.get('content')[0]);

                // Reset the value if the chosen value is no longer
                // available
                if (! this.get('content').contains(this.get('value'))) {
                    this.set('value', this.get('content')[0]);

App.Form = Ember.Object.extend({
    fieldNames: [],
    fields: function () {
        var that = this;
        var out = [];
        _.each(this.get('fieldNames'), function (fieldName) {
        return out;

aForm = App.Form.create({
    name: 'First Form',
    fieldNames: [
    a: App.Field.create({label: 'A'}),
    b: App.RangeField.create({label: 'B'}),
    view: Ember.View.extend({
        templateName: 'form'

var boxController = App.BoxController.create({
    initialForm: aForm,
    forms: [
            name: 'Other Form',
            view: Ember.View.extend({
                template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('Foobar')

var boxView = Ember.View.create({
    templateName: 'box',
    controller: boxController



问题是您正在实例化 select1select2当您创建扩展 ContainerView 的类时内widget App.RangeField的方法.


App.RangeField = App.Field.extend({
    widget: function () {
        var field = this;
        return Ember.ContainerView.extend({
            childViews: [field.get('select1').create(), field.get('select2').create()]
    }.property('select1', 'select2'),

App.RangeField = App.Field.extend({
    widget: function () {
        var field = this;
        return Ember.ContainerView.extend({
            init: function() {
                this.set('childViews', [field.get('select1').create(), field.get('select2').create()]);
    }.property('select1', 'select2'),

现在每次实例化时都会创建新的 subview widget而不是重新使用第一次从 DOM 中删除它们时被破坏的相同的两个 View 。

关于ember.js - 在另一个容器 View 内外交换容器 View 会导致 View 被破坏,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14932914/


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