gnuplot - 计算线之间的距离

标签 gnuplot distance lines

gnuplot 可以计算两条线或两点之间的距离吗?

我有一个情节,其中绘制了两条(主)线。目前让我们假设第一行总是在第二行之上。有没有办法在给定的 x 值处计算从第 2 行到第 1 行的距离?


the solid horizontal line is line 1, the dotted horizontal line is line 2

竖线只是样式,与实际绘图无关,它们的数据存储在test.dattest2.dat .

第 1 行

0       118.1
2.754   117.77
4.054   117.64
6.131   116.17
7.7     116.04
8.391   115.36
10.535  115.25
11.433  116.03
12.591  116.22
19.519  118.59

19.4    118.51
15.2    116.56
10.9    115.94
10.35   114.93
9.05    114.92
8.3     115.9
5.9     116.19
4.2     116.62
2.2     117.66
-0.3    118.06

set term wxt enhanced
cd 'working directory'
unset key

set size 0.9,0.9
set origin 0.1,0.1
set title 'TITLE'

unset border
set label 21 "  rotate by 45" at -3.0,0.0 rotate by 45 point ps 2

set xrange [0:19.519]
set yrange [110:119] 
set xtics nomirror(0, 2.745, 4.054, 6.131, 7.7, 8.391, 10.535, 11.433, 12.591, 19.519) rotate by 90 offset 0,-0.1 right

set ytics "      ", 30000

plot "line1.dat" using ($1):($2):2 with labels offset 1, 1.8 rotate by 90, "line1.dat" using 1:2 with lines lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb '#000000', +112 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb '#000000' , 'test.dat' with lines lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb '#000000', +110 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb '#000000', 'line2.dat' with lines lt 0.5 lw 1 lc rgb '#000000', 'test2.dat' with lines lt 0.5 lw 1 lc rgb '#000000' 


您可以手动测量距离。将鼠标移动到第一个点并输入“r”。然后当您四处移动鼠标时,会显示 x 和 y 偏移量、距离和角度。键入“5”以绘制线段并在度数和切线显示之间切换。预先放大可提高准确性。


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