angularjs - 在(一个?)data-ng-init 中声明两个对象字面量并将它们绑定(bind)到不同的 View

标签 angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope

我正在尝试创建两个不同的对象文字并将它们绑定(bind)到不同的 View ( <table> s)。但是,我不知道该怎么做。我尝试了以下方法,我在一个 data-ng-init 中声明了两个对象文字的父容器(div)。我也试过有两个不同的data-ng-init该 div 的指令并在每个指令中都有一个对象字面量。然而,这两种方法都不起作用,我得到了错误(如果有人想看到它们,会发布)。


<div id="recipes" data-ng-init=" 
  dessertsdrinks = [
  {name: 'Apple Pie Popcorn',  url: 'pdfs/recipes/desserts_and_drinks/Apple Pie Popcorn.pdf'},  
  {name: 'Zucchini Muffins',  url: 'pdfs/recipes/Zucchini Muffins.pdf'} 

  maineats = [ 
  {name: 'Autumn Enchilada Casserole',  url: 'pdfs/recipes/Autumn Enchilada    Casserole.pdf'},
  {name: 'Build your own Taco',  url: 'pdfs/recipes/Build your own Taco.pdf'},]

  <table id="dessertsdrinks">
    <th>Desserts and Drinks</th>
        <tr data-ng-repeat="recipe in dessertsdrinks | filter:recipesearch | orderBy:'name'">
        <td><a href="{{ recipe.url }}"> {{ }} </a></td>

<table id="maineats">
        <th>Main Eats</th>
            <tr data-ng-repeat="recipe in maineats | filter:recipesearch | orderBy:'name'">
            <td><a href="{{ recipe.url }}"> {{ }} </a></td>

当我只有一个对象文字和一个 data-ng-init它完美地工作。

例如,我可以有一个 Controller 将对象字面量绑定(bind)到 $scope基于 View (表)id标签什么的?像这样:

function recipeController(){
     if $scope id == "desertsdrinks" {
          $ = [{.. dessert and drink recipe obj literal ..}];
     } else if $scope id == "maineats" {
          $ =[{.. main eats recipe obj literal..}];


只需在 Controller 内移动对象即可:

$scope.dessertsdrinks = [
  {name: 'Apple Pie Popcorn',  url: 'pdfs/recipes/desserts_and_drinks/Apple Pie Popcorn.pdf'},  
  {name: 'Zucchini Muffins',  url: 'pdfs/recipes/Zucchini Muffins.pdf'} 

$scope.maineats = [ 
  {name: 'Autumn Enchilada Casserole',  url: 'pdfs/recipes/Autumn Enchilada    Casserole.pdf'},
  {name: 'Build your own Taco',  url: 'pdfs/recipes/Build your own Taco.pdf'}

无需更改在 html 中访问它们的方式。

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