r - K-Skip-N-Gram : generalization of for-loops in R

标签 r for-loop switch-statement n-gram

我有一个 R 函数来生成 K-Skip-N-Grams :
我的完整功能可以在 github 找到.

我的代码确实正确生成了所需的 k-skip-ngram:

> kSkipNgram("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", n=2, skip=1)
 [1] "Lorem dolor"            "Lorem ipsum"            "ipsum sit"             
 [4] "ipsum dolor"            "dolor amet"             "dolor sit"             
 [7] "sit consectetur"        "sit amet"               "amet adipiscing"       
[10] "amet consectetur"       "consectetur elit"       "consectetur adipiscing"
[13] "adipiscing elit"       

但我想概括/简化以下嵌套 for 循环的 switch 语句:
# x - should be text, sentense
# n - n-gramm
# skip - number of skips
         "0" = {ngram<-c(ngram, paste(x[i]))},
         "1" = {for(j in skip:1)
                    if (i+j <= length(x)) 
                      {ngram<-c(ngram, paste(x[i],x[i+j]))}
         "2" = {for(j in skip:1)
                  {for (k in skip:1)
                      if (i+j <= length(x) && i+j+k <= length(x)) 
                        {ngram<-c(ngram, paste(x[i],x[i+j],x[i+j+k]))}
         "3" = {for(j in skip:1)
                  {for (k in skip:1)
                    {for (l in skip:1)
                      if (i+j <= length(x) && i+j+k <= length(x) && i+j+k+l <= length(x)) 
                          {ngram<-c(ngram, paste(x[i],x[i+j],x[i+j+k],x[i+j+k+l]))}
         "4" = {for(j in skip:1)
                  {for (k in skip:1)
                      {for (l in skip:1)
                        {for (m in skip:1)
                            if (i+j <= length(x) && i+j+k <= length(x) && i+j+k+l <= length(x) && i+j+k+l+m <= length(x)) 
                                  {ngram<-c(ngram, paste(x[i],x[i+j],x[i+j+k],x[i+j+k+l],x[i+j+k+l+m]))}


我对一般的 k-skip-n-gram 使用了递归解决方案。我已经将它包含在 Python 中;我对 R 没有经验,但希望你能翻译它。我使用了这篇论文中的定义:


def kskipngrams(sentence,k,n):
    "Assumes the sentence is already tokenized into a list"
    if n == 0 or len(sentence) == 0:
        return None
    grams = []
    for i in range(len(sentence)-n+1):
    return grams

def initial_kskipngrams(sentence,k,n):
    if n == 1:
        return [[sentence[0]]]
    grams = []
    for j in range(min(k+1,len(sentence)-1)):
        kmjskipnm1grams = initial_kskipngrams(sentence[j+1:],k-j,n-1)
        if kmjskipnm1grams is not None:
            for gram in kmjskipnm1grams:
    return grams

关于r - K-Skip-N-Gram : generalization of for-loops in R,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18259128/


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