adobe-brackets - 本地开发时的 Adob​​e Brackets IDE & CORS

标签 adobe-brackets

由于 Brackets 似乎启动了一个新的 Chrome 实例,(如何)我可以让它用 --disable-web-security 启动 Chrome选项,以便在我的本地机器上开发客户端和服务器时解决 CORS 问题?


来自 How to Use Brackets - Live Preview :

Live Preview currently has a few other important limitations:

  • It only works with desktop Chrome as the target browser.
  • Opening the Developer Tools in Chrome will close the live development connection.
  • Files must be inside your "project" (the root folder you currently have open in Brackets).
  • Only one HTML file can be previewed at a time. If you switch to a different HTML file in Brackets, the browser preview will switch to that new page as well.
  • Updating pauses when the HTML is syntactically invalid (e.g. after you type '<' for a new tag but before you type the closing '>'). The line number and Live Preview icon turn red in this case. Brackets will resume pushing changes to the browser when syntax becomes valid again.

如果你想实现你想要的,编辑 Brackets IDE 的源代码。

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