haskell - optparse-applicative:如何处理 Arrow 语法中的无参数情况

标签 haskell command-line-arguments applicative arrows optparse-applicative


parser :: Parser Args
parser = runA $ proc () -> do
  opts <- asA commonOpts -< ()
  cmds <- (asA . hsubparser)
            ( command "install"
              (info installParser
                    (progDesc "Installs a list of packages"))
           <> command "update"
              (info updateParser
                    (progDesc "Updates list of known packages"))
           <> command "configure"
              (info configureParser
                    (progDesc "Prepare to build the package"))
           <> command "build"
              (info buildParser
                    (progDesc "Make this package ready for installation")) ) -< ()
  A version >>> A helper -< Args opts cmds

pinfo :: ParserInfo Args
pinfo = info parser
  ( progDesc "An example modelled on cabal" )

main :: IO ()
main = do
  r <- execParser pinfo
  print r

因此,默认情况下,当我不使用参数时,它会显示使用信息。我想使用没有参数的案例,还有一个 [自定义参数](自定义一个我收到错误: Invalid argument 'regreg' )



Ahttps://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-applicative-不是 ArrowPlus .我不确定它是否可以(假设 fAlternative ),但现在你必须使用 Alternative句法:

subparser (command "foo" ... ...) <|> pure DefaultCommand

关于haskell - optparse-applicative:如何处理 Arrow 语法中的无参数情况,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31318643/


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