wordpress - 是否所有 Wordpress 网站都需要欧盟 Cookie 通知?

标签 wordpress cookies notice

默认安装的 Wordpress 是否需要欧盟 cookie 通知?我有很多人拥有非常简单的 Wordpress 网站,但我不确定即使是一个简单的 Wordpress 网站是否会在观众计算机上安装 cookie?


基于 the european juridiction ,有一些 cookie 类型不需要用户同意:

However, some cookies are exempt from this requirement. Consent is not required if the cookie is:

  • used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication, and
  • strictly necessary in order for the provider of an information society service explicitly required by the user to provide that service.

Cookies clearly exempt from consent according to the EU advisory body on data protection- WP29 include:

  • user‑input cookies (session-id) such as first‑party cookies to keep track of the user's input when filling online forms, shopping carts, etc., for the duration of a session or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in some cases
  • authentication cookies, to identify the user once he has logged in, for the duration of a session
  • user‑centric security cookies, used to detect authentication abuses, for a limited persistent duration
  • multimedia content player cookies, used to store technical data to play back video or audio content, for the duration of a session
  • load‑balancing cookies, for the duration of session
  • user‑interface customisation cookies such as language or font preferences, for the duration of a session (or slightly longer)
  • third‑party social plug‑in content‑sharing cookies, for logged‑in members of a social network.

没有任何插件/跟踪代码/分析的默认 Wordpress 安装带有以下 cookie:

PHPSESSID : 是 session ID,用于承载 session ,所以匹配认证cookie点。

wordpress_logged_in_*** : 携带 session 信息。同 PHPSESSID为立法。
wp-settings-*** :仅供内部使用的常规设置首选项。所以它符合关于用户界面定制的观点。


他们三个都符合关于用户输入 cookie 的观点 但是 默认情况下,它们会存储一年。因此,根据法律规定,如果您在博客上使用评论功能,则应征得此 cookie 的同意。如果您的网站上禁用了评论,那么您可能不需要就默认的 Wordpress 安装征求任何同意。我建议您检查您的网站是否有任何插件添加了一些与引用点不匹配的 cookie。

关于wordpress - 是否所有 Wordpress 网站都需要欧盟 Cookie 通知?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32476898/


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