actionscript-3 - 输出文件中缺少皮肤?

标签 actionscript-3 apache-flex flash-builder flex4.5

Description Resource Path Location Type The swc 'E:\DEV\Flash\Flex\SDK\4.14.1\frameworks\libs\advancedgrids.swc' has style defaults and is in the library-path, which means dependencies will be linked in without the styles. This can cause applications, which use the output swc, to have missing skins. The swc should be put in the external-library-path.

SharedSledi Unknown Flex Problem The swc 'E:\DEV\Flash\Flex\SDK\4.14.1\frameworks\libs\charts.swc' has style defaults and is in the library-path, which means dependencies will be linked in without the styles. This can cause applications, which use the output swc, to have missing skins. The swc should be put in the external-library-path.

SharedSledi Unknown Flex Problem The swc 'E:\DEV\Flash\Flex\SDK\4.14.1\frameworks\libs\framework.swc' has style defaults and is in the library-path, which means dependencies will be linked in without the styles. This can cause applications, which use the output swc, to have missing skins. The swc should be put in the external-library-path.

SharedSledi Unknown Flex Problem The swc 'E:\DEV\Flash\Flex\SDK\4.14.1\frameworks\libs\mx\mx.swc' has style defaults and is in the library-path, which means dependencies will be linked in without the styles. This can cause applications, which use the output swc, to have missing skins. The swc should be put in the external-library-path.

SharedSledi Unknown Flex Problem The swc 'E:\DEV\Flash\Flex\SDK\4.14.1\frameworks\libs\spark.swc' has style defaults and is in the library-path, which means dependencies will be linked in without the styles. This can cause applications, which use the output swc, to have missing skins. The swc should be put in the external-library-path. SharedSledi Unknown Flex Problem

  • 如何解决缺少默认皮肤的问题?
  • 最佳答案

    正如错误消息所暗示的:“ swc 应该放在 external-library-path 中”

    查看此官方指南: Use Flex library projects ,专门看这篇 section link .报价 :


    Add a SWC file to the library path

    1. With a project selected in the Package Explorer, select Project > Properties > Flex Build Path.

    2. Click the Library Path tab.

    3. Select any of these options to add SWC files:

      • Add Project Adds a Flex library project.

      • Add SWC Folder Lets you add a folder that contains SWC files.

      • Add SWC Adds a compiled SWC file.

      • Add Flex SDK Lets you add other Flex SDKs. If your project already has a Flex SDK in its library path, this button is disabled. If you remove the existing Flex SDK from your library path, the button is enabled. When you click this button, a Flex SDK node is added, but you are not prompted which one is added. To control which Flex SDK to use, select Project > Properties > Flex Compiler.

    4. Enter or browse to and select the location of the SWC file, project, or folder. Click OK. The SWC file, library project, or folder is added to the library path.

    2) 将 SWC 设置为外部库...

    Set the SWC file as an external library file

    1. With a project selected in the Package Explorer, select Project > Properties > Flex Build Path.

    2. Select the Library Path tab, and then select and expand the SWC file entry to display the SWC options.

    3. Double-click the Link Type option. The Library Path Items Options dialog box appears

    4. Select the External option, and click OK.

    This procedure is the equivalent of using the external-library-path compiler option.

    PS:这个 Answer 如果您愿意编辑 Flash Builder 的 XML 文件,可能会为您提供一些线索。

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