
标签 oracle

我有一个表 Student,其中有名称和年度评分。

Name    Year    Rating

Ram    2016      10
Sam    2016      9
Ram    2014      8
Sam    2012      7


Name    Cur_rating_year_2016    Prev_rating
Ram               10            8
Sam                9            7

Create table Student (name varchar2(10), year number, rating number  );
insert into student values('Ram' ,2016 ,10);
insert into student values('Sam' ,2016 ,9);
insert into student values('Sam' ,2012 ,7);
insert into student values('Ram' ,2014 ,8);



使用 LAG解析函数

LAG is an analytic function. It provides access to more than one row of a table at the same time without a self join. Given a series of rows returned from a query and a position of the cursor, LAG provides access to a row at a given physical offset prior to that position.

For the optional offset argument, specify an integer that is greater than zero. If you do not specify offset, then its default is 1. The optional default value is returned if the offset goes beyond the scope of the window. If you do not specify default, then its default is null.

SELECT stud_name AS name, 
       r_year AS year,
       r_value AS rating,
       lag(r_value, 1, NULL) OVER(PARTITION BY stud_name ORDER BY r_year) AS prev_rating
  FROM stud_r
 ORDER BY stud_name;

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