visual-studio-code - 将启用/禁用扩展设置复制到另一个工作区

标签 visual-studio-code vscode-settings


我想清理我的 vscode 扩展,因为我正在使用许多不同的语言/文件类型,并且一次安装和启用所有这些扩展实在是太多了。


我为特定工作区禁用了一些扩展,并想将这些设置复制到另一个工作区,但 vscode 没有在 .vscode/settings.json 中存储有关启用/禁用扩展的信息.


  • 有没有办法将这些设置从一个工作区复制到另一个工作区?
  • 有没有更好的方法来处理大量的扩展?
  • 您能否推荐用于管理每个工作区或语言的扩展的工具/扩展

  • I assume vscode is not loading all extensions at once, but rather when needed. But some extensions display icons on the left or bottom of the window and overcrowd the "Show All Commands" list/search.


    VS Code 将此信息存储在其内部而不是 .vscode文件夹,因此您无法在工作区之间复制此信息。有一个open issue确切地问你想要什么。

    但是,你有一个选择。使用 Profile Switcher扩展名。


    This extension allows you to define a number of settings profiles that you can easily switch between. The original idea for this extension came from my desire to have an easy way for me to switch my VS Code to a setup that was better optimised for presenting (changed themes, increase font size, etc).


    A profile isn't just the settings you have enabled, but also the extensions that were installed. This allows you to create different profiles for different styles of development (e.g. a React profile and a Vue profile, loading their respective extensions only).


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