scala - 找不到 Ordered[T] 类型的证据参数的隐式值

标签 scala generics

我现在实际上被阻止了大约 4 个小时。我想获得按其 int 值排序的 Pairs[String, Int] 列表。函数分区工作正常,bestN 也应该如此,但是当将它加载到我的解释器中时,我得到:

<console>:15: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type Ordered[T]


def partition[T : Ordered](pred: (T)=>Boolean, list:List[T]): Pair[List[T],List[T]] = {
    list.foldLeft(Pair(List[T](),List[T]()))((pair,x) => if(pred(x))(pair._1, x::pair._2) else (x::pair._1, pair._2))

def bestN[T <% Ordered[T]](list:List[T], n:Int): List[T] = {
    list match {
        case pivot::other => {
            println("pivot: " + pivot)
            val (smaller,bigger) = partition(pivot <, list)
            val s = smaller.size
            if (s == n) smaller 
            else if (s+1 == n) pivot::smaller
            else if (s < n) bestN(bigger, n-s-1) 
            else bestN(smaller, n)
        case Nil => Nil

class OrderedPair[T, V <% Ordered[V]] (t:T, v:V) extends Pair[T,V](t,v) with Ordered[OrderedPair[T,V]] {
    def this(p:Pair[T,V]) = this(p._1, p._2)
    override def compare(that:OrderedPair[T,V]) : Int =

编辑:第一个函数通过将谓词应用于每个成员将列表分成两个,bestN 函数应该返回列表列表中最低 n 个成员的列表。这个类(class)是为了让 Pairs 具有可比性,在这种情况下,我想做的是:
val z = List(Pair("alfred",1),Pair("peter",4),Pair("Xaver",1),Pair("Ulf",2),Pair("Alfons",6),Pair("Gulliver",3))

bestN(z, 3)

(("alfred",1), ("Xaver",1), ("Ulf",2))


看起来您的分区函数不需要 Ordered T,因为它只是调用谓词函数。


package evident

object Test extends App {

  def partition[T](pred: (T)=>Boolean, list:List[T]): Pair[List[T],List[T]] = {
    list.foldLeft(Pair(List[T](),List[T]()))((pair,x) => if(pred(x))(pair._1, x::pair._2) else (x::pair._1, pair._2))

  def bestN[U,V<%Ordered[V]](list:List[(U,V)], n:Int): List[(U,V)] = {
    list match {
      case pivot::other => {
        println(s"pivot: $pivot and rest ${other mkString ","}")
        def cmp(a: (U,V), b: (U,V)) = (a: OrderedPair[U,V]) < (b: OrderedPair[U,V])
        val (smaller,bigger) = partition(((x:(U,V)) => cmp(x, pivot)), list)
        //val (smaller,bigger) = list partition ((x:(U,V)) => cmp(x, pivot))
        println(s"smaller: ${smaller mkString ","} and bigger ${bigger mkString ","}")
        val s = smaller.size
        if (s == n) smaller
        else if (s+1 == n) pivot::smaller
        else if (s < n) bestN(bigger, n-s-1)
        else bestN(smaller, n)
      case Nil => Nil

  implicit class OrderedPair[T, V <% Ordered[V]](tv: (T,V)) extends Pair(tv._1, tv._2) with Ordered[OrderedPair[T,V]] {
    override def compare(that:OrderedPair[T,V]) : Int =

  val z = List(Pair("alfred",1),Pair("peter",4),Pair("Xaver",1),Pair("Ulf",2),Pair("Alfons",6),Pair("Gulliver",3))
  println(bestN(z, 3))

def partition[T](p: T => Boolean, list: List[T]) = 
  ((List.empty[T], List.empty[T]) /: list) { (s, t) =>
    if (p(t)) (t :: s._1, s._2) else (s._1, t :: s._2)
def partition2[T](p: T => Boolean, list: List[T]) =
  ((List.empty[T], List.empty[T]) /: list) {
    case ((is, not), t) if p(t) => (t :: is, not)
    case ((is, not), t)         => (is, t :: not)
// like List.partition
def partition3[T](p: T => Boolean, list: List[T]) = {
  import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
  val is, not = new ListBuffer[T]
  for (t <- list) (if (p(t)) is else not) += t
  (is.toList, not.toList)

def bestN[U, V <% Ordered[V]](list: List[(U,V)], n: Int): List[(U,V)] = {
  require(n >= 0)
  require(n <= list.length)
  if (n == 0) Nil
  else if (n == list.length) list
  else list match {
    case pivot :: other =>
      println(s"pivot: $pivot and rest ${other mkString ","}")
      def cmp(x: (U,V)) = x._2 < pivot._2
      val (smaller, bigger) = partition(cmp, other)     // other partition cmp
      println(s"smaller: ${smaller mkString ","} and bigger ${bigger mkString ","}")
      val s = smaller.size
      if (s == n) smaller
      else if (s == 0) pivot :: bestN(bigger, n - 1)
      else if (s < n) smaller ::: bestN(pivot :: bigger, n - s)
      else bestN(smaller, n)
    case Nil => Nil

  val z = List(
    "alfred" -> 1,
    "peter" -> 4,
    "Xaver" -> 1,
    "Ulf" -> 2,
    "Alfons" -> 6,
    "Gulliver" -> 3

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