java - Netty Nio 在 Java 中读取来自 ChannelFuture 的即将到来的消息

标签 java sockets web netty nio

我正在尝试使用 the following code这是 Netty Nio 中网络套接字的实现。我已经实现了一个 JavaFx Gui,我想从 Gui 中读取从服务器或其他客户端接收到的消息。 NettyClient 代码如下:

public static ChannelFuture callBack () throws Exception{

    String host = "localhost";
    int port = 8080;
    try {
        Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();;;
        b.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
        b.handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
            public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
                ch.pipeline().addLast(new RequestDataEncoder(), new ResponseDataDecoder(),
                        new ClientHandler(i -> {
                            synchronized (lock) {
                                connectedClients = i;
        ChannelFuture f = b.connect(host, port).sync();

        return f;
    finally {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    ChannelFuture ret;
    ClientHandler obj = new ClientHandler(i -> {
        synchronized (lock) {
            connectedClients = i;
   ret = callBack();
        int connected = connectedClients;
    if (connected != 2) {
        System.out.println("The number if the connected clients is not two before locking");
        synchronized (lock) {
            while (true) {
                connected = connectedClients;
                if (connected == 2)
                System.out.println("The number if the connected clients is not two");
    System.out.println("The number if the connected clients is two: " + connected );; // can I use that from other parts of the code in order to read the incoming messages?

如何使用代码其他部分的回调函数返回的 channelFuture 来读取传入的消息?是否需要再次调用callBack,或者如何接收到 channel 的更新消息?我可以从我的代码(在按钮事件中)使用类似 的东西(以便获取最后一条消息)吗?


通过阅读该代码,NettyClient 用于创建连接(ClientHandler),一旦连接完成,Netty 将调用 ClientHandler.channelActive,如果你想向服务器发送数据,你应该在这里放一些代码。如果此连接从服务器获取消息,Netty 将调用 ClientHandler.channelRead,将您的代码用于处理消息。

您还需要阅读文档以了解 netty 编码器/解码器的工作原理。

  • 如何使用代码其他部分的回调函数返回的 channelFuture 来读取传入的消息?

    share those ClientHandler created by NettyClient( line 29)

  • 是否需要再次调用callBack,或者如何接收 channel 更新的消息?

    if server message come,ClientHandler.channelRead is called.

  • 我能否在我的代码中(在按钮事件中)使用像 这样的东西(以便获取最后一条消息)?

    yes you could,but not a netty way,to play with netty,you write callbacks(when message come,when message sent ...),wait netty call your code,that is : the driver is netty,not you.

最后,你真的需要这么重的库来做网络吗?如果不需要,试试This code ,简单易懂

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