recursion - 编译器用多态递归函数耗尽内存

标签 recursion elm

如果我尝试编译以下代码以添加到fingertree,elm 编译器会等待很长时间,然后报告内存不足。

module FingerTree exposing(..) 
type Node a
  = Node2 a a
  | Node3 a a a

type Finger a
  = One a
  | Two a a
  | Three a a a
  | Four a a a a

type FingerTree a
  |Single a
  |Deep (Finger a) (FingerTree(Node a)) (Finger a)

fLeftAdd: a -> Finger a -> Finger a
fLeftAdd a0 finger =
  case finger of
    One a1 -> Two a0 a1
    Two a1 a2 -> Three a0 a1 a2
    Three a1 a2 a3 -> Four a0 a1 a2 a3
    Four  a1 a2 a3 a4 -> finger

leftAdd: a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
leftAdd a0 fingerTree=
  case fingerTree of
    Empty -> Single a0
    Single a1 -> Deep (One a0) Empty (One a1)
    Deep left middle right ->
      case left of
        Four a1 a2 a3 a4 ->
          Deep(Two a0 a1) ( leftAdd (Node3 a2 a3 a4) middle) right
        _ -> Deep (fLeftAdd left a0) middle right

module HackyTree exposing(..)
type HackyTree a
  = Empty
    |Single a
    |Deep (List a) (HackyTree (List a)) (List a)

leftAdd: a -> HackyTree a -> HackyTree a
leftAdd a0 tree=
   case tree of
    Empty -> Single a0
    Single a1 -> Deep [a0] Empty [a1]
    Deep left middle right ->
      case left of
         [a1, a2, a3, a4] ->
             Deep [a0, a1] ( leftAdd [a2, a3, a4] middle) right
         _ -> Deep (a0::left) middle right



你确定你的最后一行是 _ -> Deep (fLeftAdd left a0) middle right而不是 _ -> Deep (fLeftAdd a0 left) middle right ?如果我更改它,一切都可以正常编译。

注意fLeftAdd的签名是 fLeftAdd: a -> Finger a -> Finger a .您正在 FingerTree a 上进行模式匹配,尤其是 Deep (Finger a) (FingerTree(Node a)) (Finger a)案件。

_ -> Deep (fLeftAdd left a0) middle right您正在申请 fLeftAddleft ,这是一个 Finger a并到 a0 ,这是一个 a .
你也有约束 (fLeftAdd left a0) 的结果和 right具有相同的类型。

这意味着 (fLeftAdd left a0)应该产生一个 Finger a当给出 Finger a和一个 a作为参数,从 fLeftAdd: a -> Finger a -> Finger a 开始破坏类型推断.


leftAdd: a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
leftAdd a0 fingerTree=
  case fingerTree of
    Deep left middle right ->
      Deep (fLeftAdd left a0) middle right
    _ -> Single a0

我粘贴在 Try Elm我收到以下错误消息:

-- TYPE MISMATCH ---------------------------------------------------------------

The type annotation for leftAdd does not match its definition.

27| leftAdd: a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The type annotation is saying:

a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a

But I am inferring that the definition has this type:

Finger ? -> FingerTree ? -> FingerTree (Finger ?)

Hint: A type annotation is too generic. You can probably just switch to the type I inferred. These issues can be subtle though, so read more about it.

-- INFINITE TYPE ---------------------------------------------------------------

I am inferring a weird self-referential type for left

30| Deep left middle right -> ^^^^ Here is my best effort at writing down the type. You will see ? and ∞ for parts of the type that repeat something already printed out infinitely.


Usually staring at the type is not so helpful in these cases, so definitely read the debugging hints for ideas on how to figure this out:

我建议您尝试创建一个 simple self contained compilable example并在 compiler project 上提出问题

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