vb.net - 除非按部就类,否则妨碍自身功能运行的定时器

标签 vb.net timer


我想通过计时器通过 COM 端口向电机发送机动命令。

  • 当我一步一步地做或者当我添加一个停止点时,这是

  • 我实际上是在调用一个方法 envoi_commande_motorisation()没有任何争论。它只是将特定格式的帧发送到 COM 端口,以使电机移动。然而,在逐步退出调试时,它似乎永远不会被调用。此命令包含在 Timer_moto_tick(sender, e) As Timer_moto.tick 中这只是我用来定期验证电机是否处于正确方位角的计时器,通过 Demande_etat_motorisation() 知道它的位置.

    我将计时器的频率从 1000 毫秒更改为 3000 毫秒,每次 500 毫秒,但它没有改变任何东西......
  • 我添加了一个按钮,调用 envoi_commande_motorisation()手动,它的工作原理!然而,这是手工的,我想自动化

  • 这是犯罪现场的照片:
    Private Sub Timer_moto_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer_moto.Tick
        'asking for the motor position
        'checking if we are acually in the automatize management of the motor and not in the manual way
        If RadioButton_Manuel.Checked = False Then
            'checking if the motor isn't already at the right place
            If ((CDbl(Liste_azimut.Text) <> Val(Aff_position_azimut_source.Text)) Or (CDbl(Liste_elevation.Text) <> Val(Aff_position_site_source.Text))) Then
                'otherwise we change the motor position text and say him to go this way
                Liste_azimut.Text = CType(Val(Aff_position_azimut_source.Text), String)
                Liste_elevation.Text = CType(Val(Aff_position_site_source.Text), String)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    正如评论中所问,我也给出了 Demande_etat_motorisationenvoi_commande_motorisation
    Public Sub Demande_etat_motorisation()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim info As String
        If init_en_cours = True Then Exit Sub
        'asking for motor state
        'frame in hexa  : 57 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 20
        tableau_hexa(0) = &H57
        For i = 1 To 10
            tableau_hexa(i) = &H00
        Next i
        tableau_hexa(11) = &H1F
        tableau_hexa(12) = &H20
        'envoi de la données
        info = "sending frames on ports "
        'port 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        If etat_port_4.Checked = True And CheckBox_Moto_1.Checked = True Then
            'chosing which port for motorisation
                Select Case Liste_port_4.Text
                    Case Zone_param_comm1.Text
                        Port_serie_1.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        Port_serie_1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                    Case Zone_param_comm2.Text
                        Port_serie_2.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        Port_serie_2.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                    Case Zone_param_comm3.Text
                        Port_serie_3.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        Port_serie_3.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                End Select
            Catch ex As Exception
                zone1.Text = "Error Motorisation 1 : " + ex.ToString
            End Try
        End If
        'End If
        'port 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        If etat_port_5.Checked = True And CheckBox_Moto_2.Checked = True Then
            'sending the command
            'here we chose which port to write in for the motor
                'assignation du à ouvrir
                Select Case Liste_port_5.Text
                    Case Zone_param_comm1.Text
                        Port_serie_1.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        Port_serie_1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                    Case Zone_param_comm2.Text
                        Port_serie_2.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        Port_serie_2.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                    Case Zone_param_comm3.Text
                        Port_serie_3.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        Port_serie_3.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                End Select
            Catch ex As Exception
                zone1.Text = "Error Motorisation 2 : " + ex.ToString
            End Try
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub envoi_commande_motorisation()
        'sending data on serial ports
        'sending 13 chars
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim cjunk, cjunk1 As String
        Dim nombre As Integer
        Dim info As String
        BorneMinAz = Nothing
        BorneMaxAz = Nothing
        BorneMinElev = Nothing
        BorneMaxElev = Nothing
        If init_en_cours = True Then Exit Sub
        If Me.Liste_azimut.Text <> "" And Me.Liste_elevation.Text <> "" Then
            Me.zone1.Text = ""
            'classical command is being sent
            tableau_hexa(0) = &H57
            tableau_hexa(1) = &H30
            'in degree degre
            tableau_hexa(5) = &H1
            tableau_hexa(6) = &H30
            tableau_hexa(10) = &H1
            'final bits for a command
            tableau_hexa(11) = &H2F
            tableau_hexa(12) = &H20
            'azimut calculation
            nombre = CInt(Liste_azimut.Text) + 360
            cjunk1 = CStr(nombre)
            'numbers upper to 100
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 1, 1)
            tableau_hexa(2) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            'having back the decade
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 2, 1)
            tableau_hexa(3) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 3, 1)
            tableau_hexa(4) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            'tilt calculation
            nombre = CInt(Liste_elevation.Text) + 360
            cjunk1 = CStr(nombre)
            'number upper to 100
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 1, 1)
            tableau_hexa(7) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            'decade recuperation
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 2, 1)
            tableau_hexa(8) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 3, 1)
            tableau_hexa(9) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            'affichage de la trame envoyée
            cjunk = ""
            For i = 0 To 12
                cjunk = cjunk + CStr(Hex(tableau_hexa(i))) + " "
            envoi_azimut_elevation.Text = "frame sent: " + cjunk
            info = "frames being sent on the port : "
            'port 1
            'motorisation 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            If etat_port_4.Checked = True And CheckBox_Moto_1.Checked = True Then
                'chosing port for motor 1
                    Select Case Liste_port_4.Text
                        Case Zone_param_comm1.Text
                            Port_serie_1.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            Port_serie_1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm2.Text
                            Port_serie_2.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            Port_serie_2.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm3.Text
                            Port_serie_3.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            Port_serie_3.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                    End Select
                Catch ex As Exception
                    zone1.Text = "Erreur Motorisation 1 : " + ex.ToString
                End Try
                'affichage de l'info sur l'afficheur noir
                i = CInt(Val(Liste_azimut.Text))
                Select Case i
                    Case 0 To 9
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = "00" + Format(i, "##0")
                    Case 10 To 99
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = "0" + Format(i, "##0")
                    Case Else
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = Format(i, "##0")
                End Select
                Affiche_info_azimut.ForeColor = Color.Green
                i = CInt(Val(Liste_elevation.Text))
                Select Case i
                    Case -9 To -1
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = "-0" + Format(Abs(i), "##")
                    Case 0 To 9
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = "0" + Format(i, "##")
                    Case Else
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = Format(i, "##")
                End Select
                Affiche_info_elevation.ForeColor = Color.Green
            End If
            'port 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            If etat_port_5.Checked = True And CheckBox_Moto_2.Checked = True Then
                'envoi de la commande
                'choix du port choisi pour la motorisation 1
                    'assignation du à ouvrir
                    Select Case Liste_port_5.Text
                        Case Zone_param_comm1.Text
                            Port_serie_1.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            Port_serie_1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm2.Text
                            Port_serie_2.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            Port_serie_2.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm3.Text
                            Port_serie_3.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            Port_serie_3.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                    End Select
                Catch ex As Exception
                    zone1.Text = "Erreur Motorisation 2 : " + ex.ToString
                End Try
                'affichage de l'info sur l'afficheur noir
                i = CInt(Val(Liste_azimut.Text))
                Select Case i
                    Case 0 To 9
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = "00" + Format(i, "##0")
                    Case 10 To 99
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = "0" + Format(i, "##0")
                    Case Else
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = Format(i, "##0")
                End Select
                Affiche_info_azimut.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen
                i = CInt(Val(Liste_elevation.Text))
                Select Case i
                    Case -9 To -1
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = "-0" + Format(Abs(i), "##")
                    Case 0 To 9
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = "0" + Format(i, "##")
                    Case Else
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = Format(i, "##")
                End Select
                Affiche_info_elevation.ForeColor = Color.Green
                'demande de position
            End If
            'End If
        End If
    End Sub





    按照建议,我写了 Diagnostics.Debug.Writeline("some specific text here")我的程序可能在任何地方都崩溃了。实际上,在终端中写入的行中,我注意到它是Serialports.Writeline(,,)这会造成问题。

    Private Sub Timer_moto_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer_moto.Tick
        'asking for the motor position
        'checking if we are acually in the automatize management of the motor and not in the manual way
        If RadioButton_Manuel.Checked = False Then
            Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("test if we are at the right place")
            If ((CDbl(Liste_azimut.Text) <> Val(Aff_position_azimut_source.Text)) Or (CDbl(Liste_elevation.Text) <> Val(Aff_position_site_source.Text))) Then
                Liste_azimut.Text = CType(Val(Aff_position_azimut_source.Text), String)
                Liste_elevation.Text = CType(Val(Aff_position_site_source.Text), String)
                Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("we have just send the orders to the camera")
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    在终端上读取的每个调试行,我在 envoi_commande_motorisation() 中添加了一些
    Public Sub envoi_commande_motorisation()
    'sending data on serial ports
    'sending 13 chars
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim cjunk, cjunk1 As String
        Dim nombre As Integer
        Dim info As String
        BorneMinAz = Nothing
        BorneMaxAz = Nothing
        BorneMinElev = Nothing
        BorneMaxElev = Nothing
        Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("We just get into envoi_commande_motorisation()")
        If init_en_cours = True Then Exit Sub
        If Me.Liste_azimut.Text <> "" And Me.Liste_elevation.Text <> "" Then
            Me.zone1.Text = ""
        'classical command is being sent
            tableau_hexa(0) = &H57
            tableau_hexa(1) = &H30
            'transforming it in degree
            tableau_hexa(5) = &H1
            tableau_hexa(6) = &H30
            tableau_hexa(10) = &H1
            'final bits for a command
            tableau_hexa(11) = &H2F
            tableau_hexa(12) = &H20
            'azimut calculation
            nombre = CInt(Liste_azimut.Text) + 360
            cjunk1 = CStr(nombre)
            'number bigger than 100
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 1, 1)
            tableau_hexa(2) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            'taking the decade
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 2, 1)
            tableau_hexa(3) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 3, 1)
            tableau_hexa(4) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            'elevation calculation
            nombre = CInt(Liste_elevation.Text) + 360
            cjunk1 = CStr(nombre)
            'number bigger than 100
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 1, 1)
            tableau_hexa(7) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            'taking the decade
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 2, 1)
            tableau_hexa(8) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            cjunk = Mid(cjunk1, 3, 1)
            tableau_hexa(9) = CByte(&H30 + Val(cjunk))
            displaying the frame sent 
            cjunk = ""
            For i = 0 To 12
                cjunk = cjunk + CStr(Hex(tableau_hexa(i))) + " "
            envoi_azimut_elevation.Text = "Trame envoi : " + cjunk
            Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("We are going to get into the writes")
            info = "sending data on ports "
            'port 1
            'motorisation 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            If etat_port_4.Checked = True And CheckBox_Moto_1.Checked = True Then
                'chosing ports
                    Select Case Liste_port_4.Text
                        Case Zone_param_comm1.Text
                            Port_serie_1.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm2.Text
                            Port_serie_2.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_2.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm3.Text
                            Port_serie_3.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_3.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm4.Text
                            Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("we are going to write in COM port 4")
                            Port_serie_4.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("We just wrote in COM Port 4")
                        'Port_serie_4.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm5.Text
                            Port_serie_5.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_5.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm6.Text
                            Port_serie_6.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            'Port_serie_6.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                    End Select
                Catch ex As Exception
                    zone1.Text = "Erreur Motorisation 1 : " + ex.ToString
                End Try
                'displaying azimut infomations on screen
                i = CInt(Val(Liste_azimut.Text))
                Select Case i
                    Case 0 To 9
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = "00" + Format(i, "##0")
                    Case 10 To 99
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = "0" + Format(i, "##0")
                    Case Else
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = Format(i, "##0")
                End Select
                Affiche_info_azimut.ForeColor = Color.Green
                i = CInt(Val(Liste_elevation.Text))
                Select Case i
                    Case -9 To -1
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = "-0" + Format(Abs(i), "##")
                    Case 0 To 9
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = "0" + Format(i, "##")
                    Case Else
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = Format(i, "##")
                End Select
                Affiche_info_elevation.ForeColor = Color.Green
            End If
            'port 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            If etat_port_5.Checked = True And CheckBox_Moto_2.Checked = True Then
                'sending command
                'chosing port
                    Select Case Liste_port_5.Text
                        Case Zone_param_comm1.Text
                            Port_serie_1.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm2.Text
                            Port_serie_2.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_2.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm3.Text
                            Port_serie_3.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_3.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm4.Text
                            Port_serie_4.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_4.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm5.Text
                            Port_serie_5.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        'Port_serie_5.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                        Case Zone_param_comm6.Text
                            Port_serie_6.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                            'Port_serie_6.ReceivedBytesThreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto
                    End Select
                Catch ex As Exception
                    zone1.Text = "Erreur Motorisation 2 : " + ex.ToString
                End Try
                'affichage de l'info sur l'afficheur noir
                i = CInt(Val(Liste_azimut.Text))
                Select Case i
                    Case 0 To 9
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = "00" + Format(i, "##0")
                    Case 10 To 99
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = "0" + Format(i, "##0")
                    Case Else
                        Affiche_info_azimut.Text = Format(i, "##0")
                End Select
                Affiche_info_azimut.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen
                i = CInt(Val(Liste_elevation.Text))
                Select Case i
                    Case -9 To -1
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = "-0" + Format(Abs(i), "##")
                    Case 0 To 9
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = "0" + Format(i, "##")
                    Case Else
                        Affiche_info_elevation.Text = Format(i, "##")
                End Select
                Affiche_info_elevation.ForeColor = Color.Green
                'demande de position
            End If
            'End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine消息被读取并显示在终端上,但相机没有移动 .因此,当链接到COM端口4时,我认为是Port_serie_4.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)有一个严重的问题,
    奇怪的是它总是写我test if we are at the right place然后。即使我下令移动,就像他认为我们在正确的地方一样,除非单击调用 envoi_commande_motorisation() 的按钮。 .


                   Case Zone_param_comm4.Text
                        Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("we are going to write in COM port 4")
                        Port_serie_4.Write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)
                        Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("We just wrote in COM Port 4")







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