visual-studio-code - 在远程服务器上使用 VSCode 资源管理器(使用 SSH)

标签 visual-studio-code

我需要使用 SSH 在远程服务器中编码/编辑文件,我想使用 VSCode 访问它。

我在 Windows 10 上,在 VSCode 中使用“Git Bash”作为集成终端,这意味着我可以使用 VSCode 的终端连接到服务器。
我缺少的是一种将文件从终端打开到编辑器的方法,甚至更好 - 使用资源管理器与文件进行交互。



自 2019 年 5 月 2 日发布“Remote Development with VS Code”以来,您现在正式拥有:

Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH

The Remote - SSH extension lets you use any remote machine with a SSH server as your development environment.
Since nearly every desktop and server operating system has a SSH server that can be configured, the extension can greatly simplify development and troubleshooting in a wide variety of situations.

You can:

  • Develop on the same operating system you deploy to or use larger, faster, or more specialized hardware than your local machine.
  • Quickly swap between different, remote development environments and safely make updates without worrying about impacting your local machine.
  • Access an existing development environment from multiple machines or locations.
  • Debug an application running somewhere else such as a customer site or in the cloud.

2020 年第一季度:VSCode 1.42改进了对 Windows 服务器的支持,包括自动操作系统检测。

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