r - 在多个方面的可变 x 位置手动为 geom_area 添加颜色

标签 r ggplot2

这是 df 的粗略近似值我正在与:

months <- 1:12
age_y <- rep(0:2, 4)
counts <- c(659, 508, 430, 303, 201, 180, 203, 318, 401, 500, 790, 630)
df <- cbind.data.frame(months, age_y, counts)
ggplot(df, aes(x = months, y = counts)) + geom_area() + facet_grid(.~age_y)


来自 x = 5x = 6.25facet 0红色的

来自 x = 6.25x = 10facet 0蓝色

来自 x = 6.25x = 7.5facet 1红色的

来自 x = 7.5x = 10facet 1蓝色

来自 x = 7.5x = 8.75facet 2红色的

来自 x = 8.75x = 10facet 2蓝色


I would like to color the area:
From x = 5 to x = 6.25 in facet 0 red
From x = 6.25 to x = 10 in facet 0 blue
From x = 6.25 to x = 7.5 in facet 1 red

months <- 1:12
age_y <- rep(0:2, 4)
counts <- c(659, 508, 430, 303, 201, 180, 203, 318, 401, 500, 790, 630)
df <- cbind.data.frame(months, age_y, counts)
ggplot(df, aes(x = months, y = counts)) + geom_area() + facet_grid(.~age_y) -> p

f <- lapply(split(df[,c("months", "counts")], df$age_y), function(dat) approxfun(dat$months, dat$counts) )
p + scale_fill_identity() + 
    data = data.frame(
      months = seq(xmin, xmax, res), 
      counts = f[[facet]](seq(xmin, xmax, res)), 
      col = col), 
  ), c(5,6.25,6.25),c(6.25,10,10),c("0","0","1"),c("red","blue", "blue"))

... 等等:

enter image description here

关于r - 在多个方面的可变 x 位置手动为 geom_area 添加颜色,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38384755/


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