php - 使用 PHP 将字符串分成两半(Word-Aware)

标签 php string split


到目前为止,我想出了以下 99% 的工作:

$text = "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog";
$half = (int)ceil(count($words = str_word_count($text, 1)) / 2); 
$string1 = implode(' ', array_slice($words, 0, $half));
$string2 = implode(' ', array_slice($words, $half));


The Quick Brown Fox Jumped
Over The Lazy Dog

拆分后,我需要在字符串中保留所有符号,如 : 和/。我不明白为什么当前代码要删除符号...如果您可以提供替代方法或修复此方法以不删除符号,将不胜感激:)


在查看您的示例输出时,我注意到我们所有的示例都关闭了,如果字符串的中间在一个单词内,我们将减少 string1 而不是提供更多。

例如 The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy/Dog 的中间是 The Quick : Brown Fox Ju 在一个词的中间,这第一个例子给出了 string2 的分割词;底部的示例为 string1 提供了拆分词。

在分割词上减少 string1

$text = "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog";

$middle = strrpos(substr($text, 0, floor(strlen($text) / 2)), ' ') + 1;

$string1 = substr($text, 0, $middle);  // "The Quick : Brown Fox "
$string2 = substr($text, $middle);  // "Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog"


$text = "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog";

$splitstring1 = substr($text, 0, floor(strlen($text) / 2));
$splitstring2 = substr($text, floor(strlen($text) / 2));

if (substr($splitstring1, 0, -1) != ' ' AND substr($splitstring2, 0, 1) != ' ')
    $middle = strlen($splitstring1) + strpos($splitstring2, ' ') + 1;
    $middle = strrpos(substr($text, 0, floor(strlen($text) / 2)), ' ') + 1;    

$string1 = substr($text, 0, $middle);  // "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped "
$string2 = substr($text, $middle);  // "Over The Lazy / Dog"

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