rails-activestorage - Rails 5.2 Rest API + Active Storage - 上传从外部服务接收的文件 blob

标签 rails-activestorage ruby-on-rails-5.2

我们正在接收来自外部服务的 POST 调用,其中包含文件 blob(采用 Base64 编码)和一些其他参数。

# POST call to /document/:id/document_data
param = {
    file: <base64 encoded file blob>

# document.rb  
class Document < ApplicationRecord
    has_one_attached :file


在处理 POST 调用的 Controller 方法中

# documents_controller.rb - this method handles POST calls on /document/:id/document_data

def document_data

  # Process the file, decode the base64 encoded file
  @decoded_file = Base64.decode64(params["file"])

  @filename = "document_data.pdf"            # this will be used to create a tmpfile and also, while setting the filename to attachment
  @tmp_file = Tempfile.new(@filename)        # When a Tempfile object is garbage collected, or when the Ruby interpreter exits, its associated temporary file is automatically deleted. 
  @tmp_file.binmode                          # This helps writing the file in binary mode.
  @tmp_file.write @decoded_file

  # We create a new model instance 
  @document = Document.new
  @document.file.attach(io: @tmp_file, filename: @filename) # attach the created in-memory file, using the filename defined above

  @tmp_file.unlink # deletes the temp file


有关 Tempfile 的更多信息,请访问 here .

关于rails-activestorage - Rails 5.2 Rest API + Active Storage - 上传从外部服务接收的文件 blob,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51131723/


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