graphql - 如何在graphql查询过滤器中使用OR/AND或使大小写不敏感的过滤器?

标签 graphql gatsby



  allMarkdownRemark(filter: { brand: { eq: $normalBrand } }) { //==> Need more here
        edges {
            node {
                webImages {

filter: { OR: [
  {brand: { eq: $normalBrand }}, 
  {brand: { eq: $normalBrand2 }}, 
  {brand: { eq: $normalBrand3 }}





GraphQL doesn't have support for AND/OR operators for exactly the reason you mentioned at the top of your issue: it does not map to any kind of storage. I think to properly understand why it does not have these requires a shift in mental models. We think of GraphQL as more similar to RPC languages than database languages.

To help understand the mental model shift, it's useful to think about fields and arguments like function calls in programming languages. So suppose we ask a similar question of javascript: Why can't you type: getCaseByStatus("open" OR "closed")? The answer, I would assume, is because JavaScript does not know what OR means in this context. Should the values "open" and "closed" be combined in some way to produce another value? Should the execution of the function getCaseByStatus change in some way? JavaScript can't be sure - because the concept of field-based filtering is not part of JavaScript's semantics. ...

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