ruby-on-rails - Webpacker 找不到应用程序

标签 ruby-on-rails webpack ruby-on-rails-6

我正在根据“Rails 入门”创建一个新的 Rails 应用程序。应用程序在步骤 4.1 中正常启动。但是当我创建我的第一个 Controller 时,我有一个 webpack 错误。

我是 webpack 的新手,我的所有文档都是红色的,但我不明白有什么问题或遗漏了什么......

  • Windows 10 1903
  • ruby 2.6
  • rails 6.0.0
  • nodeJS 12.11.0

  • rails webpacker:install
       identical  config/webpacker.yml
    Copying webpack core config
           exist  config/webpack
       identical  config/webpack/development.js
       identical  config/webpack/environment.js
       identical  config/webpack/production.js
       identical  config/webpack/test.js
    Copying postcss.config.js to app root directory
       identical  postcss.config.js
    Copying babel.config.js to app root directory
       identical  babel.config.js
    Copying .browserslistrc to app root directory
       identical  .browserslistrc
    The JavaScript app source directory already exists
           apply  C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/webpacker-4.0.7/lib/install/binstubs.rb
      Copying binstubs
           exist    bin
       identical    bin/webpack
       identical    bin/webpack-dev-server
          append  .gitignore
    Installing all JavaScript dependencies [4.0.7]
             run  yarn add @rails/webpacker from "."
    yarn add v1.17.3
    [1/4] Resolving packages...
    [2/4] Fetching packages...
    info fsevents@1.2.9: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module.
    info "fsevents@1.2.9" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
    [3/4] Linking dependencies...
    warning " > webpack-dev-server@3.8.2" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^4.0.0".
    warning "webpack-dev-server > webpack-dev-middleware@3.7.2" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^4.0.0".
    [4/4] Building fresh packages...
    success Saved 1 new dependency.
    info Direct dependencies
    └─ @rails/webpacker@4.0.7
    info All dependencies
    └─ @rails/webpacker@4.0.7
    Done in 4.48s.
    Installing dev server for live reloading
             run  yarn add --dev webpack-dev-server from "."
    yarn add v1.17.3
    [1/4] Resolving packages...
    [2/4] Fetching packages...
    info fsevents@1.2.9: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module.
    info "fsevents@1.2.9" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
    [3/4] Linking dependencies...
    warning "webpack-dev-server > webpack-dev-middleware@3.7.2" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^4.0.0".
    warning " > webpack-dev-server@3.8.2" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^4.0.0".
    [4/4] Building fresh packages...
    success Saved 1 new dependency.
    info Direct dependencies
    └─ webpack-dev-server@3.8.2
    info All dependencies
    └─ webpack-dev-server@3.8.2
    Done in 4.92s.
    Webpacker successfully installed �🎉🍰🍰
    Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError in Welcome#index
    Showing C:/Users/[...]/site_test/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb where line #9 raised:
    Webpacker can't find application in C:/Users/[...]/site_test/public/packs/manifest.json. Possible causes:
    1. You want to set webpacker.yml value of compile to true for your environment
       unless you are using the `webpack -w` or the webpack-dev-server.
    2. webpack has not yet re-run to reflect updates.
    3. You have misconfigured Webpacker's config/webpacker.yml file.
    4. Your webpack configuration is not creating a manifest.
    Your manifest contains:
    Extracted source (around line #9):
    8      <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
    9      <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
    10 </head>
    11 <body>



    rails webpacker:install


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