shell - 展示 bash shell stdout/stderr 重定向行为的备忘单

标签 shell stdout pipe stderr tee

是否有一个很好的备忘单展示了 BASH shell 重定向的许多用途?我很想把这样的东西给我的学生。我想看到的一些例子:

cmd > output_file.txt       #redirect stdout to output_file.txt
cmd 2> output_file.txt      #redirect stderr to output_file.txt
cmd >& outpout_file.txt     #redirect both stderr and stdout to output_file.txt
cmd1      | cmd2            #pipe cmd1 stdout to cmd2's stdin
cmd1 2>&1 | cmd2            #pipe cmd1 stdout and stderr to cmd2's stdin
cmd1      | tee result.txt  #print cmd1's stdout to screen and also write to result.txt
cmd1 2>&1 | tee result.txt  #print stdout,stderr to screen while writing to result.txt





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