perl - 尝试在 Perl 中使用 splice 删除特定列

标签 perl split

我是一个全新的 Perl 新手,正在寻求有关我的第一个 Perl 脚本的帮助

我有一些 30-50GB 的大文件,它们的构造是这样的 - 数百万列和数千行:

A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



use strict;
use warnings;

    my @dataColumns;
    my $dataColumnCount;
    if(scalar(@ARGV) != 2){
        print "\nNo files supplied, please supply file name\n";

    my $Infile = $ARGV[0];
    my $Outfile = $ARGV[1];

    open(INFO,$Infile) || die "Could not open $Infile for reading";
    open(OUT,">$Outfile") || die "Could not open $Outfile for writing";

    while (<INFO>) {
        @dataColumns = split(" ");
        $dataColumnCount = @dataColumns + 1;
#Now remove the first element of the list

#Now remove the third element (Note that it is now the second - after removal of the first)
        splice(@dataColumns,1,1); # remove the third element (now the second)

#Now remove the 6th (originally the 8th) and every third one thereafter
#NB There are now $dataColumnCount-1 columns

        for (my $i = 5; $i < $dataColumnCount-1; $i = $i + 3 ) {
            splice($dataColumns; $i; 1);

#Now join the remaining elements of the list back into a single string
        my $AmendedLine = join(" ",@dataColumns);

#Finally print out the line into your new file
        print OUT "$AmendedLine/n";

  • 它说它不喜欢 for 循环中的 $1,我添加了一个“我的”,这似乎使错误消失,但没有其他人的 for 代码似乎在这里包含“我的”,所以我不确定是什么继续。

  • 全局符号“$i”需要在 第 36 行显式包名。
    全局符号“$i”需要在 第 36 行显式包名。
    全局符号“$i”需要在 第 36 行显式包名。
    全局符号“$i”需要在 第 36 行显式包名。
  • 另一个错误是这样的: 第 37 行的语法错误,靠近“@dataColumns;” 第 37 行的语法错误,靠近“1)”

  • 我不确定如何纠正这个错误,我想我快到了,但不确定语法错误到底是什么,我不确定如何修复它。



    在我写了关于这个问题的博客后,一位评论者指出,可以将我的测试用例的运行时间减少 45%。我稍微解释了一下他的代码:

    my @keep;
    while (<>) {
        my @data = split;
        unless (@keep) {
            @keep = (0, 1, 0, 1, 1);
            for (my $i = 5; $i < @data; $i += 3) {
                push @keep, 1, 1, 0;
        my $i = 0;
        print join(' ', grep $keep[$i++], @data), "\n";

    $ time ./ > /dev/null 
    real 0m21.861s
    user 0m21.310s
    sys 0m0.280s

    Now, it is possible to gain another 45% performance by using Inline::C in a rather dirty way:

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Inline C => <<'END_C'
      This code 'works' only in a limited set of circumstances!
      Don't expect anything good if you feed it anything other
      than plain ASCII 
    #include <ctype.h>
    SV *
    extract_fields(char *line, AV *wanted_fields)
        int ch;
        IV current_field = 0;
        IV wanted_field = -1;
        unsigned char *cursor = line;
        unsigned char *field_begin = line;
        unsigned char *save_field_begin;
        STRLEN field_len = 0;
        IV i_wanted = 0;
        IV n_wanted = av_len(wanted_fields);
        AV *ret = newAV();
        while (i_wanted <= n_wanted) {
            SV **p_wanted = av_fetch(wanted_fields, i_wanted, 0);
            if (!(*p_wanted)) {
                croak("av_fetch returned NULL pointer");
            wanted_field = SvIV(*p_wanted);
            while ((ch = *(cursor++))) {
                if (!isspace(ch)) {
                field_len = cursor - field_begin - 1;
                save_field_begin = field_begin;
                field_begin = cursor;
                current_field += 1;
                if (current_field != wanted_field) {
                av_push(ret, newSVpvn(save_field_begin, field_len));
            i_wanted += 1;
        return newRV_noinc((SV *) ret);

    而且,这里是 Perl 部分。请注意,我们 split只需一次找出要保留的字段索引。一旦我们知道这些,我们就将行和(基于 1 的)索引传递给 C 例程以进行切片和切块。
    my @keep;
    while (my $line = <>) {
        unless (@keep) {
            @keep = (2, 4, 5);
            my @data = split ' ', $line;
            push @keep, grep +(($_ - 5) % 3), 6 .. scalar(@data);
        my $fields = extract_fields($line, \@keep);
        print join(' ', @$fields), "\n";

    $ time ./ >/dev/null
    真正的 0m11.539s
    用户 0m11.083s
    系统 0m0.300s

    $ perl -E 'say join("", "A".. "ZZZZ") for 1 .. 100' >

    它的大小约为 225MB。

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