tsql - 从一列中提取分层数据

标签 tsql sql-server-2012 hierarchical-data


enter image description here


enter image description here

我应该像这样从中得到所有 (S)tart (E)nd 对(顺序不重要):

enter image description here


  1. 选择所有连续的 (S)tart (E)nd 对
  2. 将它们插入“目标”表变量
  3. 从“Source”表变量中删除它们
  4. 如果“Source”表变量不为空则执行第一步



   ,[Type] CHAR(1)

INSERT INTO @DataSource ([ID], [Type])
VALUES (3,'S')



;with a as
  select [ID], [Type], row_number() over (order by ID) rn from @DataSource
), b as
  select [ID], [Type], rn, cast(1 as int) lvl from a where rn = 1
  union all
  select a.[ID], a.[Type],a.rn, case when a.[Type] = 'S' then 1 when a.[Type] = 'E' then -1 else 0 end + lvl 
  from a
  join b on a.rn = b.rn + 1
c as
  select [ID], [Type], row_number() over (partition by [type] order by lvl,rn) grp
  from b
select c1.id S, c2.id E from c c1
join c c2
on c1.grp = c2.grp
where c1.[type] = 'S' and c2.[type] = 'E'
order by c1.id
option( maxrecursion 0) 


S   E
3   6
7   14
10  13
15  30
16  29
17  28
19  27
20  26
31  46
32  35
36  38
39  45
40  44

编辑:因为您使用的是 sqlserver 2012,所以可以简化脚本,我还添加了性能改进。我希望这对你有用。脚本现在假设“S”总是在“E”之前。

;with a as
  select [ID], [Type], 
  sum(case when [type]='S' then 1 when [type]='E' then -1 end)over(order by id) lvl
  from @DataSource
), b as
  select [ID], [Type], 
  row_number() over (partition by [type] order by lvl,id) grp
  from a
select min(id) S, max(id) E 
from b
group by grp
order by s

关于tsql - 从一列中提取分层数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21882283/


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