java - 为什么静态类在 Java 中是非法的?

标签 java static static-classes

我正在开发一个 Android 应用程序,但遇到了一些问题,我不断收到错误消息:

Illegal modifier for the class FavsPopupFragment; only public, abstract & final are permitted

这发生在关注 this answer 之后另一个SO问题。这是我的代码:


/* Imports were here */

public static class FavsPopupFragment extends SherlockDialogFragment {

    static FavsPopupFragment newInstance() {
        FavsPopupFragment frag = new FavsPopupFragment();
        return frag;




What the static boils down to is that an instance of the class can stand on its own. Or, the other way around: a non-static inner class (= instance inner class) cannot exist without an instance of the outer class. Since a top-level class does not have an outer class, it can't be anything but static.

Because all top-level classes are static, having the static keyword in a top-level class definition is pointless.

关于java - 为什么静态类在 Java 中是非法的?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


Java 11.javac/警告 : [options] module name in --add-reads option not found: moduleB

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