bayesian - pymc3 中均匀分布的区间变换是什么?

标签 bayesian pymc3

我注意到在 pymc3 中使用均匀分布时,采样器还会扫描 _interval参数也是如此,除非指定了转换,例如:

with fitModel6:

    normMu  = pm.Uniform('normMu',lower=0,upper=1000)

不仅会导致对 normMu 进行采样,还会导致对 normMu_interval 进行采样:

trace plot of interval

trace plot of parameter

通常,当我使用统一先验作为尺度参数(如归一化)时,我当然会在对数间隔内进行采样。 pymc3 是否以某种方式为我处理这个问题?



PyMC3 自动将转换应用于有界变量,以将它们置于不受约束的范围内。每个转换的代码是 here并且在官方 PyMC3 Tutorial 中可以找到有关变量自动转换的非常简短的讨论。 .



In order to sample models more efficiently, PyMC3 automatically transforms bounded RVs to be unbounded.

with pm.Model() as model:
    x = pm.Uniform('x', lower=0, upper=1)`

When we look at the RVs of the model, we would expect to find x there, however:

In [16]: model.free_RVs

Out[16]: [x_interval__]

x_interval__ represents x transformed to accept parameter values between -inf and +inf. In the case of an upper and a lower bound, a LogOdds transform is applied. Sampling in this transformed space makes it easier for the sampler...

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