selenium - 如何与 gradle 并行运行 Serenity Web 测试?

标签 selenium gradle thucydides serenity-bdd

无法弄清楚如何与 gradle 并行运行 Serenity Web 测试。
Here是 maven + jenkins 的一个例子。但是我需要与 gradle 相同的东西。



第 1 步:创建套件文件


task runAParallelSuite(type: Test) {
    def forks =2
    exclude ('**/')
    println "The Maximum parallel is $forks"
    // uncomment maxParallelForks if you prefer to use the Gradle process forker
    // which also requires a complete change of how the suite class works
    maxParallelForks = forks
    include '**/**TestSuite.class'
    // testReportDir = file("${reporting.baseDir}/AParallelSuite")
    // testResultsDir = file("${buildDir}/test-results/AParallelSuite")
    // show standard out and standard error of the test JVM(s) on the console
    testLogging.showStandardStreams = true

现在在 cmd 提示符下运行命令 'gradle clean runAParallelSuite aggregate'

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