f# - FsUnit 示例错误

标签 f# fsunit

我从 FsUnit project page 复制了这个示例:

open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
let [<Test>] trivial () = 1 |> should not (equal 2)

F# 给我以下错误:

Error 2 This expression was expected to have type bool but here has type Constraints.EqualConstraint

Error 1 The type 'bool' is not compatible with the type 'Constraints.Constraint'



较新版本的 FsUnit 包含将 FsUnit.not 函数重命名为 FsUnit.not' 的更改。这应该消除与内置 not 函数的冲突。您可以从 NuGet Gallery 获取最新版本.使用示例可以在 FsUnit GitHub site 上找到。 .


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