macos - 如何在 macOSX 终端命令行上将 makeinfo/texinfo 从 4.8 版升级/更新到 4.13 版?

标签 macos upgrade updates texinfo

我已经安装了 makeinfo 4.8。命令行输入 $ makeinfo --version 返回 makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.8

我想将版本更新到最新的 4.13。我找到了相关信息 herehere 。我是命令行/bash/git 的新手...请帮助我,非常感谢!


看看这个问题,你不应该需要蜻蜓(或 git 命令):

configure: error: You do not seem to have makeinfo >= 4.13, and your
source tree does not seem to have pre-built manuals in the 'info' directory.
Either install a suitable version of makeinfo, or re-run configure
with the '--without-makeinfo' option to build without the manuals. 

I've tried brew install texinfo and then brew ln texinfo --force and now makeinfo --version shows texi2any (GNU texinfo) 6.3

请注意,作为 commentedjmq::

If you use brew to install, make sure you have /usr/local/opt/texinfo/bin in your path, and it is before /usr/bin.
Version 4.8 of this tool on the Mac (10.12.6) is located in /usr/bin/makeinfo.
If this path is in front of the latter, then it will not find the latest version installed by brew.

关于macos - 如何在 macOSX 终端命令行上将 makeinfo/texinfo 从 4.8 版升级/更新到 4.13 版?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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