Scala:是否有一种通用的方法来修剪案例类的所有 String 字段?

标签 scala trim case-class

我需要一种通用方法(例如某些函数),它接受 case 类(任何类型)的实例并返回此实例的副本,但带有修剪过的字符串。




您可以使用 shapeless去做这个:

import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._

// Trims if passed a String value, otherwise returns the value unchanged
object Trimmer extends Poly1 {
  implicit val stringTrim = at[String] { _.trim }
  implicit def noop[T]    = at[T] { identity }

// Uses a Generic to transform the instance into an HList, maps over it 
// and convert it back into the case class
def trimCaseClass[C, H <: HList](c: C)
    (implicit g: Generic.Aux[C, H], m: Mapper.Aux[Trimmer.type, H, H]): C = {
  val hlist =
  val trimmed =

scala> case class A(s1: String, s2: String, i: Int)
defined class A

scala> val a = A("   1   ", "2", 3)
a: A = A(   1   ,2,3)

scala> trimCaseClass(a)
res0: A = A(1,2,3)

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