RegEx 未找到所有匹配项

标签 regex actionscript-3

我有以下代码(AS3 和 CS 5.5):

var regEx:RegExp = new RegExp(/(?:^|\s)(\#[^\s$]+)/g);
var txt:String = "This #asd is a test tweet #hash1 test #hash2 test";

var matches:Object = regEx.exec(txt);

跟踪返回“#asd,#asd”。我真的不明白为什么会这样,因为在我的 RegEx 测试应用程序“RegExhibit”中,它返回“#asd,#hash1,#hash2”,这正是我所期望的。任何人都可以对此有所了解吗?



如果您正在使用 .exec ,您应该多次运行它以获得所有结果:

In the following example, the g (global) flag is set in the regular expression, so you can use exec() repeatedly to find multiple matches:

var myPattern:RegExp = /(\w*)sh(\w*)/ig;  
var str:String = "She sells seashells by the seashore";
var result:Object = myPattern.exec(str);

while (result != null) {
    trace (result.index, "\t", result);
    result = myPattern.exec(str);


更好的选择可能是使用 String.match :

If pattern is a regular expression, in order to return an array with more than one matching substring, the g (global) flag must be set in the regular expression

var regEx:RegExp = /(?:^|\s)(\#[^\s$]+)/g;
var txt:String = "This #asd is a test tweet #hash1 test #hash2 test";

var matches:Object = txt.match(regEx);

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