lua - 平等元方法是什么时候改变的?

标签 lua

相等元方法的执行方式似乎发生了变化,但我找不到任何 5.1 中的文档,5.25.3引用手册(在“不兼容”下的“语言更改”部分下)

t1a = {}
t1b = {}
t2  = {}
mt1 = { __eq = function( o1, o2 ) return 'whee' end }
mt2 = { __eq = function( o1, o2 ) return 'whee' end }

setmetatable( t1a, mt1 )
setmetatable( t1b, mt1 )
setmetatable( t2,  mt2 )

print( t1a == t1b )     --> true
print( t1a == t2 )      --> false

来自 ( ) 并在本地 5.1.5 实现上测试为真

在 Lua 5.3 中运行这个实际上产生


从 ( 执行



我不是 Lua 专家,但比较 5.2 docs :

"eq": the == operation. The function getequalhandler defines how Lua chooses a metamethod for equality. A metamethod is selected only when both values being compared have the same type and the same metamethod for the selected operation, and the values are either tables or full userdata.

5.3 docs :

__eq: the equal (==) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation, except that Lua will try a metamethod only when the values being compared are either both tables or both full userdata and they are not primitively equal. The result of the call is always converted to a boolean.

5.3 文档不要求操作数具有相同的元方法。

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