visual-studio-2012 - 这个图标在 TFS 2013 中的含义是什么

标签 visual-studio-2012 tfs

合并后,代表文件夹 a 的图标已更改为代表一个父文件夹和一个子文件夹的黄色图标(旁边有标签 Appls):
TFS 2013 Icon representing one parent folder and a child one





enter image description here

有关更多信息,请参阅 Branch folders and files MSDN 上的主题。

黄色的“分支文件夹”图标不是 Visual Studio 的标准图标,而是 TFS Source Control Explorer Extensions from the Visual Studio Gallery 的一个功能。 .

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here


File icon change

In the file list on the left side of Source Control Explorer window are branched files displayed with changed icon.

File List

Icon Share Target is displayed at files that are target of Branch operation or if file is branched only to one location. If file is branched to more than one location its icon is changed to icon Share Source.

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