Django 聚合选择

标签 django django-aggregation


class VotingRound(models.Model):
     pass # here are some unimportant fields

class Vote(models.Model):
     voting_round = models.ForeignKey(VotingRound)
     vote = models.CharField(choices=...)

现在我有 VotingRound 的实例,我想知道每个值代表了多少次。这可以通过 collections.Counter 轻松完成:
>>> Counter(voting_round_instance.vote_set.values_list('vote', flat=True))
Counter({u'decline': 8, u'neutral': 5, u'approve': 4})

现在我想知道是否有办法使用 Django 聚合技术来做到这一点....

我找到了 this module ,但在使用它之前我想知道是否有本地方式来做到这一点。



from django.db.models import Count
voting_round_instance.vote_set.values('vote') \

编辑:使用 order_by()

Fields that are mentioned in the order_by() part of a queryset (or which are used in the default ordering on a model) are used when selecting the output data, even if they are not otherwise specified in the values() call. These extra fields are used to group “like” results together and they can make otherwise identical result rows appear to be separate. This shows up, particularly, when counting things.

from django.db.models import Count
voting_round_instance.vote_set.values('vote') \
    .annotate(count=Count('vote')) \

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