scala - 如何有效地从scala的枚举中选择一个随机元素?

标签 scala random enums


object Animals extends Enumeration {
  type Animals = Value
  val Monkey = Value("Monkey")
  val Lion = Value("Lion")
  val Dog = Value("Dog")
  val Cat = Value("Cat")

我需要从这个枚举中随机选择一个元素。我怎样才能在 Scala 中有效地做到这一点?


documentation 不到一分钟显示
final def maxId: Int

The one higher than the highest integer amongst those used to identify values in this enumeration.

final def apply(x: Int): Value

The value of this enumeration with given id x

//> res0: recursion.recursion.Animals.Value = Monkey


或者您可以使用 Animals.values 枚举值然后引用this question

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