android - 从eclipse远程调试Android NDK程序

标签 android eclipse gdb android-ndk

Android(在 Android 中运行的 gdbserver)说:

gdb: Unable to get location for thread creation breakpoint: requested event is not supported


附言在cygwin shell中可以调试,只是不能在eclipse中调试。不知道eclipse发送了哪些命令。


android NDK 中包含的 gdbserver(至少从 r4b 开始)不支持多线程调试。在约翰·米歇尔 (John Michelau) 的评论之后,我有名义上的运气:

Multi-threaded applications now seem to be supported. The key is to run the GDB client from the one installed in the Android source tree at prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-eabi-gdb.

即使这样做之后,我也只能在我的 native 库加载后调试线程。这是因为 GDB 不知道 Android 的链接器:

warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.

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